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4710 <br />4711 <br />4712 <br />47I3 <br />4�714 <br />4715 <br />4716 <br />4'��7 <br />4718 <br />4719 <br />4720 <br />4721 <br />4722 <br />4723 <br />4724 <br />4'�25 <br />�726 <br />�.��� <br />a�mount o� grading, utilities, and buildiz�g ca�s�ructio� <br />�. Exzsting and proposed site canditions: existing and �roposed �opography, vegetation, and <br />drainage <br />S. Adjacent areas, �eighboring streams, lalces, w�tlands, residantial areas, road�, etc., whic� <br />might be affeeted by the �and ciisturbing activity <br />&. Soils: sail narnes, mapping units, erodibility <br />7. Critical erosian az'eas: areas on the site ihat have pote�ztial fox se�ious erosion problerns <br />&. Erosion and sedi�ra.e�t cantrol measure�: methods to be used to cazztrol ezasian and <br />sedimentation on the site, both durzrag and after th� construction process <br />9. Temporary and PerEnanent stabzlization: haw the site will be stabilized during anc� after <br />const�ruction (is corriple�ed}, including speczficatians <br />I0. Sioz�a� watex managerr�ent: how storm r�afFwi�l be �anaged, zncluding me��iods to be <br />used if the de�velopzz�ent wi11 resul� in increaseci peak rates or valurarae o� runoff <br />1 l. Maintenanee: schedule of regular inspections a.nd repairr of erosian and �ediment con.trol <br />struciures <br />i2. Calculations: a�y thai were made �ar t�e design a�such i�ems as sedime�a� basin�, <br />diversions, waterways, and other applzca.ble practices <br />�io�s.os: u�v�E�v oF �L�N: <br />4728 A. <br />4729 <br />4'730 <br />473� B. <br />4732 <br />4733 <br />4734 <br />4735 C <br />4736 <br />4737 <br />4738 <br />4739 <br />4740 D <br />4741 <br />4742 <br />4743 <br />�}744 <br />General: The City appoints the Ciiy En�iz�eer to review the erosion and sedi�-�ae�t cantral <br />plan tt� ensure compliance with the City o£Raseville Erosion and Sedi�nent Control <br />Speeifications. <br />I'�rmit Required: If ��e City de�ez�ines tl�at the erosion anci sedime�i control plan �aeets the <br />requixements oithis article, the City shall issue a�ermit, valid for a specified period o�tiz�e <br />that author�zes tk�e land disturb�ce activiry coniiz�ge�t o� the irr�plementation ancl <br />co�npletion af the e�rosion and s�diment contrnl plan. <br />Denial: If'the City detez�i�es that �he erosion and secliment cantrol p�a� does not meet the <br />requirernents of tl�is artzcle, the Czty shal� not issue a perrnit for �e land disturbazace activity. <br />The erosian and sedin�ent contral plan zn�st be xesubmitted for approval before the land <br />dist�bance activity begins. No land use and �uilding permits may be issued until the <br />Permittee �as an approved earoszoz� axad sed'zme�t controI plan. <br />�'ez;mit suspension: If the Ciiy deterzxai�zes t�at the approved g�an is not heing implezz�ented <br />accord�z�g to �he sched�zle or the control nneasures are �ot being prQperly maintained, all land <br />use and buildi�g permits must be sus�ended and stop waar� ord.e� issued un�il �he Permittee <br />has fully im�lezne�ted azzd maintained the control �easures identi�"ied i� the approved <br />erosion and sedirnent con�raX p1an. <br />4745 ��1018.06: �MPILEMEAT�'A��ON AI�ID MAIN'�CENAI��E OlE PLA.N: <br />4746 A�l stornrz water �ac�llution conirols noied on the approved eraszan and sediment control plan sha�l <br />4'74'7 be installed before cozxa�aencing the land dist�zrbing activity, arzd shall not be removcd without <br />474& City approval nr approva� af a Certificate of Completior�. Noncompliance wiih t�ze grading and <br />4749 erosion cantrol plan s�all constitute gro�.u�c�s far an order irom the City to halt aIl cozast�zctzon. <br />4750 The plaz� i�nplementation shall incorporate the fallawi�g: <br />4751 A. Existzng ve�;etation shall be retaine�l �whenever feaszble. <br />4752 B. Land shall be disiu�'�ed in increrr�ents of wnrkable size on which adequate erosion a�d <br />143 <br />