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493fi <br />4937 <br />4938 <br />�939 <br />49�0 <br />4941 <br />4942 <br />4943 <br />4944 ( <br />�9�5 <br />4946 <br />4947 � <br />49�8 <br />4949 <br />4950 � <br />4951 <br />4952 <br />�953 <br />4954 <br />4955 <br />495b <br />4957 <br />4958 � <br />4959 <br />496Q <br />�96� <br />4962 <br />4963 <br />4964 <br />4965 <br />49fb <br />4967 <br />4968 <br />4969 <br />4970 <br />4371 <br />49'72 <br />4973 <br />49'�4 <br />4975 <br />4976 <br />4977 <br />4978 <br />49'�9 <br />4980 <br />4981 <br />4982 <br />(10%) ar�d �fty perce�t (SO%) of its size shall not be req�ired to meet all o� the eri�eria <br />o�tlined above (T)1 through D6). A percentage of expansion betwee� te� percent {10%) and <br />fifty percen� (50%) or a�nanetaary ianapxovernerzt between twenty percent (20%) az�d �fty <br />percez�t (50%) would rec�uire a propartional leve� of improvement. This propartional <br />require�ent wi11 be de�ermined by the Developmeni Review Co�tlmi�tee subjec� to app�ai io <br />the City Council. The City Cauncil may re�'er such an appeal to the Planning Corz�znission <br />%ar review an� reoornmendaiion. (IO�S.O1D3,� <br />8. Suxfacing 4� Residential Parking Areas: <br />a. Al� open of� street �arking <br />lots, driveways, or aareas s�all be constructed of bitumino�s, concrete ax othar paving <br />material apprav�d Y�� the �'u�al'zc Works Director. (1004.01D3a) <br />b, New parlcing loi: surfacing <br />s�all be a r�ainimum o�two inches (2") of hztuz�inous pavement over an appropriaie <br />parking lot base. �roo�.orD3b� <br />f�}c. Concreie curb anc� pxo�ar <br />setbac�s wili be required if the parkin� lot is canst�cted, re-graded or recanstructed vvith <br />a one incl� (� ") lift ox grea�er o�bi�uminous pavemen.t, except: {1004.01D c) <br />{1) Tn R-1 and R-2 Districts wher� the principal structure is single-fannzly or du�lex. <br />{2) Par�Cing lot seal coa� or <br />surface trea�ed. <br />��) <br />r�paiar (avexlay less than 25 percen�). <br />MinQr patching ar surface <br />d. Th� canstruction of az�y �ew <br />parking axeas in any zonin� district except R�1 and R-2, and all ot�er repairs, remodeling <br />a�d additions if t�e cans�ructian invnlved increases �he averall size a� the �arking lot by <br />ten percen� (10%) oar iz� the event tha� the construc�ion increases t�e assesspr's market <br />value by over twenty percent {2Q%), shall require site plan revier� as d��aribed in Sec�ion <br />-�-9�011.16 ofthis Code. (I�o�.o1�3d} <br />e. All construction which <br />repaixs or arez�odels or alters a parking Iot betwe�z� ien perceni (I Q%) anc� fifty percen� <br />(50%} of i�s size shall �oi be req�iz�ed ta meet alI a�the criteria ou�Iined above. A <br />percez�tage o��xpansion between ten percen� (10%) and �fty pereen� {50%) or a <br />monetaxy iznpravezr�ent b�tween twenty percent {20%) azzd £'ifty percen� (50%) wou�d <br />require a proportianal le�el of iinprove�nent. This �roportiona� requireznent wiil be <br />determined by the Develapment Review Committee suk�ject ta ap�eal ta t�e City Councii. <br />The City Couneil rnay refer suc� a� appeal to �he Planr�ing Comrnission for review and <br />recoz�mendatian. (1004. DID3e) <br />9. Drainage: O�� street parking areas shall be so graded and drai�ned sa as to c�ispose of all <br />sur�'ace water. Draina�e plans shall be. suh�ect ta the approval of the City Engin.eer. <br />(1004.OI D�) <br />E. Nlini�au�n Roadway S�andards As Related Ta 4n-Street Parking. The f�llor?ving �nini�uz� <br />diz�n.e�sional standards shall apply ta al] existing City az�d p�ivate raadways when r�ewIy <br />constr�cted ar recoz�structed. All local residential streets �ust be co�stz�zcted io a width a� <br />t�iri�-two �eet (32') frozxz the iace of curb to face of curb. Tn cases wl�eare thzs width is <br />impracticaI, the City Council �ay recluce t�is dimension, as outlined in th� City street width <br />policy. However, �or �au�'poses of err�ergency vehicle aceess, no stareet s�all be constructed to <br />a widtY� less than twenty faur feet {24�'). In order to preserve the minimu� e�ear width, <br />149 <br />