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4g83 <br />4984 <br />4985 <br />4986 <br />4987 <br />4988 <br />4989 <br />4994 <br />4991 <br />4992 <br />4993 � <br />�994 <br />4995 <br />4996 <br />4997 � <br />499$ <br />4999 } <br />SOQO <br />5001 <br />SQQ2 <br />5003 <br />5004 <br />parking must be res�ricted accarding to subsection A af this Sectia�. (1103.02�) <br />1. Si�;nage Requirem.ents: "No par�Cing" sig�as s�all be installed in accordance tn the <br />�allowzn�: (1103.027A) <br />32 feet Parking �ermitted �n bo�h sides of tl�e street (no szgns �eeded). <br />26�32 feet No parking az� one side o�'the stareei (signs or� pne side}. <br />24-26 feet Na parking on both sicles of ihe s�reet (signs on bath sid�s). <br />2. �slands In Cul-De-Sacs: With <br />the approval of �he Czty, a Iandscaped island naay be coz�si�ucteci in a cul-de-sac. A clear <br />distance af twe�ty-�aur feet (24'} min��� shall 6e req�ired betw�en tl�e istand and the <br />auter c�rb. (IIQ3.021F) <br />�:3. Na physica� barriers whic�a <br />wo�ld impede the mov�ment of ernergency veh.icles shall be al�owed within the island. In <br />all cases, no parking shall be allowed in cul-de-sacs wzt� landscaped island�. (Ord. 116"7, 7- <br />8-1996) (Ilos.a2�F) <br />��1D19,05: DESTG� ANI) MAINTENANCE OF PARKING AND <br />I.OADING AREAS: <br />: <br />SQ�S <br />5006 <br />5007 <br />soas c. <br />5009 <br />5010 <br />SOi1 <br />5012 <br />50�3 <br />5014 <br />5015 <br />50�6 <br />5017 <br />5018 <br />SD�9 <br />5020 <br />5021 <br />5022 <br />5023 <br />5024 <br />5425 <br />5026 <br />5027 <br />Th� location and <br />specifications for curb cuts and driv�ways in accordance with this Section shal� be a <br />�ecessary �a�t o�t�e plot �la� %r the use and struc�ure and must be approved �rior to the <br />issuance of a building permit. <br />S�anciards �'or Sizc O�Parl�i�g �pace: Space for a si�gle vehicle shall be nine fe�t by <br />eighteen fe�t {9' x 18') or larger, pravided up to �"ifty percent (50%) of the required s�aces <br />z�cza� be no� less t�an eight feet by eig�teen feet (8' � i S') w�en pasted "Co�npact Ve�iicles <br />Only". A.isies �or ingress and egxess sha�l be provided axzd shall be a minimum af �wenty- <br />faur £eet (24') in width. (�no�.orD2}�IO�s.ozDr��loo�.o�F>> <br />Standards �'or Driveways And Parking Lo�s: The fallowing regulations shall apply to aIl <br />c�riveways and aisles in park�r�g lo�s: (703.09BJ <br />1. Ma�imum Wid�h: <br />a. R-1 And R-2 Zones: Fa� single-family and duplex principal s�ruc�ures within the R-1 <br />and R�2 Zo�es, the �axirr��zm wi�th oiany driveway at the pro�erty line s�a11 b� twer�ty- <br />six �eet (26'). In addition to the znaximum� widtl�, at eac� side of the dr�veway w�ere �he <br />dri�veway intersects �he sireet, three foat (3'j flares are permitted. Tl�e �aximum dri�eway <br />width for all other uses s�all be thirty-six feet (36'} and ten-fba� (10'} flares are perz�:ztied. <br />(7D3.04S1 a� <br />b. All Othez Zones: Excep� �ar �h� single-�amily at�d duplex �rzncipal structures, �he <br />z�r��itnuz� drivevvay widih for a1I other iy�es of �roperties shall be thirty six feet (36') as <br />measured at the property Iine. In addition to the maxi�n�m width, a� each side of �he <br />dri�veway £or such pz�operty w�ere the driveway zntersects the street, ten foat (10') flares <br />aTe p0rri'�itted. (703.44B1 b) <br />�2. Minimum Distance: The <br />minirnu� dzstance between edges of driveways at fihe property line righ�-o�=way li�e shall <br />be ten �eet { 10') except in plarmed unit devclopznents whe�e tk�e de�velopment agr�e�nent <br />shall specify t�e distance. (�03. o482J <br />�:3. P�rking Lat Aisle: Any dxive <br />aisle �n a parking lat in a�y residez�tial zoning district sezving a building contai�zing three <br />150 <br />