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5028 <br />5029 <br />5030 <br />5031 <br />50�2 <br />5033 <br />5034 <br />S03S <br />5036 <br />5037 <br />5038 <br />5039 <br />5040 <br />5041 <br />5042 <br />5043 <br />50�4 <br />5045 <br />5�4b <br />5047 <br />50�8 <br />5049 <br />saso <br />SQS� <br />5052 <br />5053 <br />SOS4 <br />5055 <br />5056 <br />5057 <br />5058 <br />SDS9 <br />5060 <br />5061 <br />SQ&2 <br />5063 <br />5064 <br />5055 <br />5066 <br />5067 <br />5068 <br />5069 <br />SQ7� <br />5071 <br />5072 <br />5473 <br />5074 <br />� <br />E. <br />F <br />(3) or znnre ctwelling units or in any zone oth�r �han a r�sidential zoning district shall be a <br />' rninimum af twentq four �'ee� (24') except nne-way drive aisles which s�ail be a z�inimum <br />o� eighteen fee� (1 S'). (�as.04�3) <br />4. Iniersectio�:: On prope�ties zoned R-1 or R-2, no driveway shall be locat�d within thirty <br />feet (30'} of any right o�way of a streei iniersection. Or� paroperties in alI ot�er zoz�es, na <br />clriveway shail be located wit�ai� �'arty feet (40`) of any �ig�t-of way line of a street <br />inters�ction. Sa�d distan.ces sha�1 b� z�neasured along t�e �roperty Iine from ih� corr�er <br />right-of way line. (7o3.04B�} <br />5. Minimu�n Driveway Angle: The t�ninimuax� t�rivevvay a�zgle fram a two-way access sireet <br />shali be �ixty �egr�es (b4°), irozn a ane-way street it shall be thirty degrees (3Q°). <br />(703.0485) <br />6. Darivet�vay A�pz'aach�s: D�iveway a�prQaches between t'�e curb and �he properiy line sha11 <br />be construc�ed aF cnncrete, asphalt, brick pavers a� a str�ngt� capable o�' hand�iz�g the <br />weigh� of cars and trucks (gez�erally staz�ped on botto� af paver) or other hard surface <br />pave�nent app�oved by the Pubiic Warks Directnr. (�o3.o�s�) <br />If eonerete is used for the driveway, where there is no concrete curb oar guttex, t�e <br />concrete c�riveway �hail be �e�d back twa feei (2') froz�r� the edge af tk�e roadway. The <br />remaining two feet (2') shall be su�faced r�it� �ot rnixed bituminous anraa�erial. �rxar �o <br />starting work, the ownex or b��lder shal� obiain a pe�nit from ihe Communily <br />Deve�op�z�ent Directoar ar de�ignee. (703.o4Bb) <br />"7. Driveways: Driveways shall l�e cc�nsiructed of cancret�, as�halt, brick pavers o�r other <br />hard surface pavenraent apprc�ved by the Puk��ic Woar�CS Direc�or. �n aIl zoning districts <br />except R-1 az3d R-Z, t�e periphery af �arkir�g areas and drives shall be constructed with <br />poured a� p�ace c4nerete curbing. (743.04B7) <br />8. Drivevvay Elevatian: The driveway elevation at the prc�perty or right-of way line shall not <br />b� z�aore than ter� inch�s (l0"} nor less than four inches {4") above the eenter line of th.e <br />abutting s��'eet with a maxi�um �lape io gutter lir�es of 10%+ ar�d a minirn�u�a slope <br />of�%~h-. (703. 0488) <br />9. Driveways On Private Property: Residential darivewa�s, shall 1ae constz-c�eted so t�at the <br />ed�e of the drivewap nearest to the side lat line shal� be a mir�irnu�n o£ five feet (5') frarn <br />the szde Ioi li�te. (7D3.04B9) <br />10. Dri�eways on County Or Sta�e Roads: Wl�exe new pri�cipal stnxctures are constructed on <br />lots contiguaus to road�ays designated as z�ajor tkzoraugkafares in the City's <br />Coznpreh�ns�ve �'lan, driveways servicing s�ch lots sha11 be designed and construeted so <br />as to provide a vehicle turnaround facility �vithi�a the loi. (�03.0��10) <br />11. Drainage: Off street par�ing areas sl�all be so graded a�d drained so as to dispose of a�l <br />surface watez-. Drainage plans sha�l be suhject ta ��e approval of the City Engineer. <br />Access Ta County Or Stata Roads: On propertie� l�a�ing frontage on both major and minor <br />araads, access sk�all be �rovided via ti�e mir�or road wl�erever feasible ir� order to reduce t1�e <br />number a�curb cuts on major thoroughfares. (�o3.0�c) <br />Traf�c Cont�ol: Wlaexe com�znere�al land uses a�e adjacent to reside�tial districts, ingress and <br />egress £rom t�e comrnearc�al properties an streets I�ading to or through the r�sidentiai zo��es <br />s�al1 not �e �aermit�ed un�ess it can be demonstrated t1�at ad�q�zate access to public rigk�ts of <br />way is t�ereby d�nied. Tra��'ic ca�txol is exexcised so as ta ensure t�at the loca�ion of <br />driveways shali not coz�stitute a haz�rd nor Ue injurious to adjacent residential uses. {�o3.a4�) <br />State And CQUnty Hig�way Requir�menis: Wh�re the propos�d driveway is ta be <br />constructed so that it apens into a�ay str�et designated as either a Mi�nesota State, Ramsey <br />151 <br />