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5075 <br />5076 <br />5077 <br />5078 <br />5079 <br />S08Q <br />5081 <br />50$2 <br />5083 <br />5084 <br />5085 <br />5086 <br />SOS7 <br />County or U.S. tr�nlc highway, all additianal specil"ications nf�he appropriate hzghway <br />departrnen�s will ap�ly. (703. o��) <br />G. Of� ��areet Laading: One off-street loadzng space s1�al� be pxovided in all business distxicts i� <br />cor�nectian with all buiIdings or ac�ditions h�reafier erected �aviz�g a grass fEaor area of ten <br />thausand (10,000) square feet or more which are ia bc occupied by a use or uses requiring <br />the receip� or distrzbution o� r�zaterials or stock by ve�icles. One addifional space shali be <br />provided �or eaek� twenty thousand (20,000) square �eet ar major �ractipn thereof over the <br />ori�inal ten ihousand {XO,p00) sq�€�'� feet. No traetor or trailer s�a�l be park�d in such space <br />for over seveniy-two {72} �aurs. (IQO5.01Fj <br />H. In industrial districts no loading bert� £o�r vehicles ov�r two (2} �on eapacity shall be closer <br />t�an one hundred feet (100') ta any residence district unless screened by building �walls nat <br />less tha.t�. eight �eet {S') in height. (IOliS.01G) <br />��1019.QG: L�CATION: <br />50&S A. Accessory off-street par�izzg spac�s which are nat enclosed rriay be located in any required <br />5D$9 yard as specified in the regulataons o�eac� zQning district. Enelased aff street parking <br />5090 spaces sl�all not be �ermitted in any required yard e�eept the rear yard. An attached enclosed <br />509i �arking space may project three feet (3') into a arequired front yard as Iong as tY�ere is no <br />5092 living spac� above ii. A detacl�ed garage stz'ucture in a r�ar yard musi be set back at least <br />5093 five �eet (S') �ro�n any sic�e ar r�ar lot iirze. {1po4.010sa� <br />5094 ��:B. Spaces accessoz�y to one- and two-family dwellings shall be an the sarn� lot as tho principal <br />5095 �se serrred. (rno4.ozosb} <br />5095 (�G �paee� accessory to zz��lti�le-£amaiy dvvellin�s shall be on the saxne lot as t�e pxincipaI �zse <br />5097 served ar wiihin two hundrecl feet {200') walking distance of�l�e rnain entrance to the <br />Sa98 pri�czpal building served. (I004.OIDScj (i004.OlOSd} <br />5099 ��-D. Spaces iz� t�e R-3 Districts and Business ciistricts shal� be at least fifteen %et (15') from any <br />5100 street right-of way ar�d at leas� ten feet {10') fra�n any building. (1005.OIOFib) <br />S 14I ��E. Spaces accessory to uses located in a busi�ess dxstrict shall be within three hundred feet <br />5102 (300') of the ��'incipal building served. (1005.�106a� <br />5�03 (�:r. Within the S-1B Dzstricts, ther� shall be no off-street parl�in�g wit�in �'ifteen feet (15') frorn <br />S 104 any street right of way nor �ve £eet (5') from any other �nt line. (IODS.03o <br />5105 ��G. �� B-4 Districts, �arkin� may occur w�thin ten feet (10') of a side or five feet {5`) a£ a rear lot <br />5106 line. I� �he case oi cnrner or dou�ile frontage lots, the �ront setbacks shall apply. <br />5�07 (�oos.olo6�1�) <br />5108 ��H. In B-6 Districts, three pearcent {3°/n) o�'the surface area of land within a parkin.g area shall be <br />S 109 lat�c�scap�d with grass and shrubbery a� ot�er city approved grounc� cover. { 100S.Q`�c4�) <br />S I 10 ��I. No autamobile service station drive�wvay at a p�raperty line shall be l�ss than fifty feet (50') <br />5111 (IO0s.09) �'ro�-n tk�e int�rsect�an oftwo (2) street �roperty li�es pr right-of-way Iines. <br />5112 ��-9�:J. Exception: In all irndustrial districts on-site parl�ir�g lo# setbac� a�ad par�ing o£ vehicles shall <br />S� 13 be (100�, 01�21) �ernaztted no eloser t�an forty feet {40') to any front yard property or right-of <br />5114 way lines or where th� lot faces a res�dential disirict. Exception (l00�.01�1�: With a <br />S 1 i 5 eoznbi�atian of permanen� year-round screening and landseaping, �he pax�ing setbaek of <br />5116 passenger vehieie� (ca3rs and �rucks of less than one ton capacity) naay be reduced to twen�y <br />S l l'1 �eet (20'} from. i�e front praperty line. T�e cQrnbination of permanent year-raund screening <br />511$ a�d Iandscapin�; may include <br />S 1 T9 1. Coni�erous tree� and stree� trees as deszgnated ir� the Czty S�reet Tree <br />152 <br />