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5280 b. Paint ar�d maintain t�e painting af the curbing along the �re lanes in a yello�w cQlar. <br />5281 (�02.06,�2) <br />5282 2. Removal of Unautho�'ized Vehicle: No veh'rcie, except ar� a�tharized emergency veh�ele, <br />52$3 rnay be parked in a fiare lane. Vehieles in violatian of this Section may be re�noved, <br />5284 impo�nded and kep� in custody �nde� the di�ection aithe Chi�f of Police. (�o2.o�B) <br />5285 � �E.Maintenance, Improvements or Er�er�ency: <br />5286 l.. Tl�e �'ublic Works Director or ti�e Chief ofPolice (ar deszgnees) znay tezz�poraril� prohibi� <br />5287 v�hicular paar�Ci�g pz traf�c upon any public street at sueh times as the Public Wprks <br />5288 Department is p�rfarming maintenance or zxaaking impravements to such stre�ts or at <br />5289 suc� �zmes t�at a public safety ernergency exists on or near s�tch stree#s. {b02.O8A} <br />5290 <br />529I <br />5292 <br />5293 <br />5299� <br />5295 <br />5296 <br />5297 <br />5298 <br />5299 <br />5300 <br />5301 <br />5302 <br />5303 <br />5304 <br />S30S <br />5306 <br />5307 <br />53Q8 <br />5309 <br />5310 <br />53�1 <br />53�2 <br />5313 <br />5314 <br />5315 <br />5316 <br />5317 <br />531$ <br />S319 <br />5320 <br />5321 <br />5322 <br />5323 <br />5324 <br />�2. Posting: No person s1�all park <br />or drive a vehicle o� a public st�eet after it has been posted wiih signs by the Public <br />Works Directar nr the Chief of Polzce (a� deszgnees} tempQrarily prohibiting vehic�lar <br />parking or #raf�c pursuant to this Seciion. (4xd. 817, 5-8-78; a�nd. 1995 �ode) {6o2.o8B) <br />F. Na Parkin� after snowfall: <br />1. Parkin� Restricted: No person shall �ark az�y vehicle, except in compliance with <br />directions o� a police of�cer Qr in carnplzance with regulatory par�Cing signs, on any street <br />£or a pe�riod o£ farty eight (48) hours cornmeneing immediately after any iwo inches {2fF) <br />ar �raor� continuous s�aowfall or until �now removal has been corripleted o�a a�ay stxeet, <br />whieh��rer occ�rs fiarst. (Ord. fi87, 12-18-72) (d02.09A) <br />2. Removal o��llegally �'arked Vehicles: Any vehicle parked in violatzon o�this Sectzan is <br />declared to be a nuisance wlaich interfere� with snaw re�noval from publzc streets and any <br />�olice afficer rrlay reznove aar cause ta be �e�oved, summarily, any such vehicle by <br />means of tawing or otherwise o:r suc� polzce a£�aer �aay require t�e driver or owner �o <br />�emove such vehicIe aff the paved, improved or traveled portioz� of s�eh street. (602. o�B} <br />3. Prosecution for VzQlation: The removal o� a rrehiele �vhich is park�d in vxalation o#'t1�is <br />S�ction, either by a police offieer aar u�dear the directian o�a pol'zce a��c�r, shall not <br />preciude a prosecution far violation af any pravision o�'t�i� Cl�apter. {4rd. 3dI, 2-26-52} <br />(doz. a�c� <br />�8�14� 9.� 0; J()INT PARKING FACILITI�S; <br />A. Join� Parking Facilities Pearzniited. Required parking faeilities servin� twn (2) or more c�ses <br />may be loeated on �he sarne lot or z� t�e sazns st�ructure, provided that the total nurr�ber of <br />parking spaces �urnished shall na� b� less than the su� o£the separate requirements for each <br />use. (�oos.o�.��> <br />B. G�n�ral Canditior�s �'or Approval: T�e City Cau�cil may approve the join! use ofparking <br />£acilities far the following uses nr activities under the following condztions: (1 D4s.01E2) <br />�.. Up ta fifty percent (Sp%} oi'tl�e parkir�g facilities required for a theater, laaw�in�; alley, <br />danee hall, bar or restaurarat may be �upplied by �he a�fi�street �arkin� �acilities pravided <br />by types of uses spccified t�t�dez' subs�ctio� 4 below as primarily daytime uses. <br />(1005. 01 E2a) <br />2. Up io �fty pearcent (50%) o�the of� street parking faci�ities req�ired for any use specifed <br />u�nder suhseciion 4 belaw as pri�araly daytime uses ma� be su�plied by the parkin� <br />fac�lities provided by the followi�.g �ighttzame ox Su�zday uses: Auditoriums incidental to a <br />public or parocl�ial school, cl�urches, bawling alleys, danc� �al�s, tl�eaters, bars or <br />resta��rants. (1045.O1E2bJ <br />1S8 <br />