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5325 3. Up to fifty pe�cen� (50%) o�the parking facilities required far a akurc� or �or an <br />5326 auditoriu�� iz�czdental io a pul�Iic or paroc�aal schoal nnay be supplied by �he nff streei <br />5327 �arking facilities provided by uses specified ir� subsectio� 4 belaw as primarily day�ime <br />S32$ uses. {IDOS.OIE2c) <br />5329 4. For the purposes of't�ais subsectiaz�, the £oliowing uses are consider�d as pxi�arily <br />5330 daytirne uses: Banks, b�siness offices, �etail stores, personal service shops, household <br />5331 equip�nent or furniture shaps, eioth'rng or shoe repair or servzce shops, manufacturing, <br />5332 �rr�olesai� and similar uses. (1005.o1E2d) <br />5333 S. Conc�ztians Required For Jaint Use: <br />5334� a. T�e bu�lding or use for vvhic� app�icatian is bei�g made �o ulilize the off street <br />5335 parking facil'aties provided by annt�er building ar �se shall be located wiihin faur <br />5336 hundred feet (400'} o� such �arking facili�ies. (1005.01 E2e(1)) <br />533'7 b. The applicant s�all shpw, and �:he city shail c�etermine in i�s discretio�, that �here is <br />5338 nc�t sul�stantiai canflicY in priz�cipa� aperati�g hours of the two (2) buildings or uses for <br />5339 wl�ich jaini use af oif street parking facilities is praposed. {1o0s.olEZe(2)} <br />5340 c. A properly drawn �ega� iz�s�umenY, exec�ted by the parties conce�ed �ox jaint use of <br />5341 off s�re�t parking facilities, d�ly a�pxoved as to form and manner af executio� by the <br />5342 City Attarney, shall be �Ied with the City Mana�;er. (IDas.o1E2�(3)) <br />5343 <br />5344 ��101�e11: SPECIAL PA�22KING PROVISI�NS OR DISTRICTS: <br />5345 A. Van PooIing Programs; Reductic�n {3�Parking Spaees Rec�uired: Where a van: pooling <br />5346 progra� exists for employees of a user o� pxa�erty in a business district and such pragram <br />5347 reduces the need %r parking s�aces, ihe nuznbear af parking spaces not needed because o� <br />5348 such �ro�raz� zxzay be redueed frorn the req�irerne�ts. �pace su££'zcient to aecornrnodate ��uch <br />5349 reduced numb�r of p�r��ng spaces shali be rr�air��ained as open space and s�all l�e conver�ed <br />5350 to parlcing spaces in the event that the pro�ram is terminated or its effectiveness in reducing <br />5351 par�ing space needs draps. Approval and con�ir�uation of suc� �'edt�ced parking space plan <br />5352 shalI be rnade by t�e Cammunity Development Direetor. (10D5.DID4) <br />5353 I�N-1-�1019.�2; PR40F OF PARKING AGREEIV.��NTo <br />5354 A. The City Council zxaay gran� Proof of Parking Agreenaents after he�rzn�s and ap�rovals as a <br />53SS eondition of a variance a�r coz�diiianal use permit rec�uest or as a porfiion of a Planned Unit <br />S3S5 Deveiopment. Such an agreement shall deseribe t�e required �arking and reasons for <br />5357 reducing the paz•kzng z�equirement as well as demonstxatin.g t�at space exists �o comply with <br />53S$ the most current proviszons o�the city code. Such an agreernenti shall state that the d�veloper <br />5359 ar successors sha11 be responsible �a� caxnpleting parking impro�ernents to �raeet c�ty code <br />5360 require�aaents at s�ch iime and place as z�equaxed by #he Ci�q, wi�hin 120 days aft�r written <br />5361 notice is provided by the City. <br />5362 ��181019.�.3: OFF—�TREET PARK.ING PRUH�S�T�C�fN� AND <br />5�63 NUISANCES: <br />5364 �. The ou�side parking and storage on residential�y-za�ed property af vehieles, materials, <br />5365 s�pplies ar ec�uipmer�t not custoFnarily �sed for residential purposes in violation o�t�ie <br />159 <br />