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5366 requiarenraants set forth below is �eclared ta b� a p�blic nuisance because it: 1) abstructs <br />5367 views on st�eeis anc� private property, 2) creates clu���red anci o�herwise c�nsightly areas, 3) <br />S36$ intraduces co�rarzaez'cial advertising signs into areas wl�ere eorr��nercial advertising szgns are <br />S3b9 otherwise pro�ibited, 4) decxeases adjoining Iandowners and occupants' er�joyment af t�eir <br />5370 p�operty and neighborhood, and 5) a�herwise advers�ly affects pxoperty values and <br />5371 neigk�borhood pa�erns. Se�vice ve�zcles with a manufact�r�r's arated capacity a�two <br />5372 thousaz�d (2,000} pounds or less are exempt fram this pro�rision. (407.02L) <br />5373 B. No person may plaee, park, sta;re, or allow the plaeement oar starage a� ice fisl� �ouses, <br />5374 skateboard ramps, play hauses, or other simiIar nnnpermaneni s�ruct-�.�res outside <br />5375 continuously for langer t�ian twenty faur (24) hours in the frant-yard area of resideniially- <br />5376 znned property. Storing oihnats, trailers a�d inoperati�ve motor vel�icles in faroni yards is <br />S3i7 prohibitecl. (407.OZM1} , <br />537$ C. Reserved. <br />5379 D. Na person sha11 cause, underta�e, permit or ailow the outside parkzng az�d stflrage of <br />5380 vehicles az� residentially-zo�ed property �'or rriore than faurteen (14) �•{�9} days unless it <br />53$1 corripli�s with the foliawing requirements. (407.02M3) <br />5352 1. Vehicles which are par�ed or �ta�red out�ide shall be on an izxa.proved suriace as defned <br />5383 in t�is Code. <br />53$4 2. All vek��cles, watercraft anc� nther articles sipred outsid� on residential propez�ty mus� be <br />S38S owned or leased by a per�on who is a legal re�icient af �hat propert�. <br />5386 3. No persnn, ownizzg, drxviz�g or in charge a�any vehiele w�tk� a manufacturers rated <br />5387 capacity of rnore than one ton, as specified in Minneso�a Statutes, z�ay cause or permit <br />5388 that ve�icle to be par�ed o�utside or stand eantinuous �ar more �har� iwo (2) haurs an <br />53$9 �roperty or p�blic street within a residential zone in. t�ae City. (407.o2M4� <br />5390 E. Exceptions: The prohibitions af t�is Section shaI1 �ot apply ta the fo�lowing: (40�.o2N) <br />5391 1. An� mator truck, pickup t�uck, oar siznilar vehiele heing used by a pu.blac utiIitq, <br />5392 �noving caxr�pany, or similar company, which is actually bein� used io service a residence <br />5393 not beiongizzg to or occ�pi�d by the operator of the vehicle. (407.02N1) <br />5394 2. Any vel�icle w�aich zs actually making a�ickup aar delivexy at tk�e location where ii is <br />5395 �aarked. Farking for azay period o�time beyond the period of tzzane reasoz�ably necessary to <br />539b z�aake such a pickup or delzvery azad in exces� of the �wo (2) ho�r liznit s�all be unl�wful. <br />5397 (407.02N2) <br />5398 T. Ve�icles Constitutir�g A Fublic Nuisance: (40�.020) <br />5399 �. Abanc�oned Ar�d 7ur�k Veiaicles Create Hazard: Abandoned and junl� ve�xcles are <br />5400 �eclared to be a public nuisance creatang k�azard to �he health and safety of the public <br />5401 beca�se they i�vite plunderir�g, cr�atie �re haza�rds, ai#raet ve�nin, and �rese�at physical <br />5402 dangers to t�e safety ar�d weli bein� of children and ot�er citizens. The acc�rr�ulation and <br />5403 outside storage of such ve�Z�cles is in the nature af rubbzs�a, littex and unsightly debris and <br />5404 is a blight an the landscap� and a de�riment �o the enviran�nen�. It s�al� be unlawfi�l far a <br />5405 persoz� ta pile, store ar lceep wrec�Ceci, junked or ahandoneei rnotor vehicles or� priva�e or <br />S4ab public paroperty. (4a7.02o1) <br />5407 2. Vehicles Impeding Trafiic Flow: Any vehicie, whether occupied or nofi t�at is �o�nd <br />540$ stop�ed, standi�g or parked in violation a� aa�y ordinance or Sta�e staiute; or that is <br />5409 reported stole�; ar tha� is found irnpeding fire£'�g�ting, snow removal or plowi�g ox the <br />54�.0 orderly flow of txaf��c is declared to be a public �uisance. (40�.0202) <br />5411 3. Vehicles Irr�peding Road And U�ility Re�air: Any v�hicl� whzch is ��npeding public road <br />160 <br />