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1442 <br />1443 <br />1444 <br />1445 <br />1�46 SECTION: <br />14�7 <br />�448 <br />1449 <br />1450 <br />1451 <br />1452 <br />1453 <br />� ao�.o � : <br />1006.0�: <br />100b.03: <br />1006.04: <br />and Conditional i.�s� Pa�nzt Uses <br />10Q6.05: <br />1454 �{?46.4�: E�TA�3LISHMEN'I': <br />Es�ablishment <br />Plan Requirements <br />P�an Review <br />P��l.t�OC�, ACCBSSOT'y <br />Minimurn Require�nents <br />14SS Tl�e �� District, as esiablis�ec� herein, is designed �o provide for retail sales and service £acilities <br />1456 that have integrated designs or u�its wit�i� an averall plan showing alI existing b�iIdings aand <br />145'7 site improvernents or� the site as of Jazauary 1, 20Q0, ox as amezzded and approved by the City <br />1458 tkzexeafter. Because this district generates high traffic volu�nes, tk�e ciistrict zs nonnally located <br />1459 adjacent �a and is visible from fecTeral and/or state highways, or frorn coun.ty roads. T�e SC <br />146Q �hopping Center District, serving commurzrty-wide or regiana� s�oppi�g needs, is intendec� for <br />1461 areas �esignated �C Shopping Center areas within the Coznparehensive �'ian. <br />�462 I006.02: PLAN REQUIREIV.�ENTS: <br />1463 T�e praposed de�elopment shall be constr�ctec� in accordance wit� an overall plan designed as a <br />1464 sing�e arehatectuaral �it with ap�ro�riate lar�dscaping and shall provide for �h� znatial <br />1465 cons�ruction of eit�ex a zniniz��zn of ter� t�ousand {10,000) square %et af floar area or a <br />1466 minimum oi six (b) of the us�s pez�aitted iz� tkzis distric�. A prc�posed plan %r �e uitimate <br />1467 �evelapnnent o£the dxs�rict shall be fil�d with the p�ans in applying for a buildi�g �ezmit. S�ch <br />1468 pians shall i�clude pxoposals fa� adequate handling of parking, drainage, vehicular ar�d <br />1463 �edestrian traf�c, landscaping, a.rad screeni�g so as to allow th� city to determine the adequacy o� <br />] 4�74 such provi�ians. (Ord. 1234, 12-14-1999, ef� 1-1-20Q�} <br />14�1 1006.03: PLAN REVTEW: <br />14'12 �'lans �ar the initial cons�ruction, or madifications, expa�sio� s, o�r e�te�szar�s o� previously <br />1473 appraved p�a7ns �ar buildings Qr str�ctures in e�istence an Jan�zary 1, 2000, that increase tkze tota� <br />� 474 square iaotage or �6uilding height oi any b�ilding ox sfiructure by more than ten percent (10%), or <br />� 475 that ir�czease the required nurnber of public street access pc�ints or paar�Ciz�g s�aaces by more t�an <br />1476 ten percent (� 0°10}, xnust be submit�ed and revievved as canditional. uses as stated 'zn Section I O11 <br />14i7 and l OS, or as a Planned Unit Development as �er Section 1008 af �he title. (Ord. 1234, 12-� S- <br />1478 1999, eff. 1-1-2000) <br />�• <br />