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1479 <br />1480 100fi.04: PERN��TTED, ACCE554RY AND CONDITIONAL USE� PERM�T <br />14�81 USES: <br />1482 A. �'ez-rz�ztted, Accessory and Canciitianai Uses. ��e Section l 005.01 S. The uses, listed �nder the <br />1483 "SC" zoning district vvit�in Section 1005.015 (chart), shall apply to all land and buzldir�gs tha# i�ay be <br />l 4$4 �rected, converted, o�• strueturally a�tered in this zonang distric�. <br />1485 <br />1486 B. Twen�ty £o�r (24) hour uses as defined by Section 1002.02 of this title shali be permitted uses <br />1487 in the S�C S�.apping Center District but �se� within three hundred feet (300') of a residential <br />1488 district shall be subject to the addztzonai performanee standards as indicated below. A szgnificant <br />1489 c�ange in the regular �ours of operatian a£ any ex�stir�g use tc� twenty four {24j hours located <br />149Q within three huncired feet {340'} of a residential district constitutes an expansion and <br />1491 iniensi�cation of the use a�d sk�ail :require madi�ication af the plan and ixnprovements to tY�e site <br />�492 in compliance wiih the standards speci�'ied below �or twenty fo�r (24) l�our uses. {Ord. 1234, 12- <br />1493 . 15-1999, eff. 1-�-2000) <br />1494 <br />I49S <br />1496 <br />1 �9'7 <br />1�98 <br />1499 <br />�5�0 <br />15Q1 <br />1502 <br />1503 <br />�504 <br />XSQS <br />1SOb <br />1507 <br />�sas <br />�509 <br />�.4Q6.45o M�NIM'�JM REQUIREMENTS: <br />In addition to �he design standard regulatia�s speciiied in Chapter 1010 ar�d requirements <br />specified in Sectian I005.01 of t�is title, the following mini�um rec��irements as set forth in this <br />chapter shall a�ply ta all buildi�gs that may be earecied, converted or structurally aIterecl in <br />shopping center districts: <br />A. Dimensional Ttequ�remen�s: <br />1. Z�dependent outlying lots within an S-C zone shal� cc�znply wit� the Ci�y a��roved <br />Shoppzng Center Master Plan andlor Planneti Unit Development. If neither exisis, the B-3 <br />zoning distric� requirezne�zts for frees�anding buildings shall apply. IF �he n�vner or develo�er <br />v�shes to vary from tl�e di�ensianal requz�e�nents l�erein, t�e e�evelaper or owner rnay <br />submit a seti�ack plan wh�rein design eondztiaz�s or othe� ca�sideratians indicate ar� <br />arrzendment io the master plan or Pian�ed Unit Development. The city, in its sole discretza�, <br />may dete�nine whether th:e a�e�dment ta tk�e master �lan or planr�e� unit cteveloprnent is <br />appropriate. Cor�sideration of such amend:�ents shail be as stipulated in Section 1008 ancl <br />the city council may irn�nse such conditions thereto as ar�ay be ap�aropr�ate. <br />1510 <br />1 S 11 2. Buffer 7ozae: Wkae�e a shopping center district al�u�s a residence dis�tric�, any new <br />1512 development shall include in ihe required setback a b�ffear �one a�inimum o� forty feet <br />I S 13 (40') in wiclth abutting th� residentiai disiriet. This protective strip sha11 contai� �o <br />1 S 14 structures, s�al� not be used £flr parking, ofi str�e� loac�ing or stora�e, and shall be <br />1515 landscapec�. The landscape t�eatr�aent s�a�� inc�ude the seeding of gra�� ar soddin� ofthe <br />1 S 16 whflle of �he buffer st:rip, the plan�irzg of sharubbery az�d trees and maintaining of sa�e, a <br />1 S 17 compact screen wall, fence, berm, landscaping, or combination t�ereof, wk�ich limii shall 6e <br />1518 �at less than seventy five percent (75%) opac�ue year-ro�nd ta a mir�imu� height of 6 fee� <br />� S 19 abo�e t�e parking Iot eurb. The Iandscape �reatarraent mus� be a��xoved by �he city and shaIl <br />1 S20 be in 1�armony witl� a resiciential neighborhood and provide sufficient scxee�zi�g �i the <br />1521 shoppzng center ape�ations. The landscape sereening or fence shal� be �o less tk�an six £eet <br />1522 (6') at the tizne o£ insiallation. Where a berm, wall, fence or cambina�ion thereof is requir�d <br />.. <br />