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1523 for screening purposes �o� a cammercial us� adjacent to a residential use, such berm, wa�l, <br />� S2�} fence or combination therea£ sha�l be set back frnm the residential district lao�adary at leas� <br />1525 tl�ee (�) times i�s height, a�d la�dscap�� wit� tree�, shrubs, pe�°ennials and sod or seed to <br />1526 screen fifty percent (SO%) of the �urface o£the wail or fence at rna�urity of the plar�t <br />1527 naateria�s year-ro�nd. <br />1528 3. Special Require�nenYs When Rear Yard Includes Loading A�ea: Where a reax yard of a <br />1529 shopping centi�r d'rstrict includes t�e loadi�g and sexvicing area oia shopping cen.ter building <br />1530 and wlaere sucl� a rear yard is adjacent to or across the street fra� a residential district, fi�e <br />I531 building setbac� s�all be one h�ndred twen�y feei (�20'), and �k�e buffer strip shall be sixty <br />�532 �eet (6Q'). <br />1533 <br />1534 B. FIaor Are� Ra�io. Ratio betw�en floar area o£ building and lo� area, e�clusi�ve of public <br />1535 right-af way easements, shall not be gr�ater tha� 1.0, except as ap�roved in th� project <br />1536 master pla� ar a siie specific Planned Unit Developzne�t. <br />1537 <br />1538 C. Building Height: Building height shalI be lirr�ited �a thz'ee (3) stflries ahove tl�e main entry <br />1539 or first floor grade (as defined in the appro�ed project �aa:aster ��an or th� Pianned Unit <br />1540 Development for the site �� na event sha�l a b�ilding exceed t�irty �ve £eet (35'} in h�ight <br />1 S41 abbve �he �nain entry or �arst flaor gr.ade level (a� de�ned in the approved pxojeet znaster <br />1542 plan or the i'lanned Unit Developz�en# �or the si�e} or as amended thraugh a Plazaned Ur�it <br />i 543 Develapznent. <br />1544 <br />1545 <br />154fi <br />1547 <br />1S4$ <br />15�9 <br />1550 <br />1551 <br />1552 <br />1553 <br />1554 <br />1555 <br />1556 <br />1SS7 <br />1558 <br />1559 <br />IS60 <br />15b1 <br />XS62 <br />1563 <br />1564 <br />�565 <br />1566 <br />1567 <br />156& <br />D. Traffic: The siie pla�a slaail provide vehicu�ar circulation routes away �'ro�n residential areas <br />and avaid eomrnereial vehicle ir�gress and egress frarn Iocal ��side��ial streets to comran.earciai <br />property si�es. Iz� t�e site plan review and appra�val process, eve�y reasonable effort must be <br />�ade to desi�n t�e site cixculation sa ihat service vehicles aver ane ta�z capacity do not use <br />routes which 3�rin� vehicles betweerz a building and a residen�ial dis`�rict bo�zr�daz�y, The site <br />plan shall also provide pedestriaa�z access xoutes using walks or paths, including w�ere <br />practical, conneetions ta adjacent residentzal �rreas. <br />Servzce vehzcles over one tan ca�acity which e�ter or ex�t tha si�e between the hnurs of te�. <br />o'clock (10:00) F.M. a�d seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. shall us� a desig�aied rQU�e a�praved by <br />the city. Deliveries andlor d�lzvery iruck aecess, in and on th� site during �he hours of ten <br />o'clock (10:00} 1'.M. t€� seven o'clock {7:00) A.M., shall �e limited �a singIe un'rt, two (2) <br />axle vehicles no� iz� excess of twenty six thousand {2�,0�0) pounds grass weight. The <br />designated route shail keep vek�icles at least ihree hur�dred feet (300') away fra� any <br />residential district boundary, or be co�ap�etely scr�ened by a building, wal�, landscaped <br />berrr�, £ence, ar combination thereo�from a ppiz�t fourteen feet {14') above the grau�d at the <br />outside edge o£the truck ro�te lane to a poznt five �eet {5'} above the firs� floar (r�ain lev�l} <br />of the adjac�nt residences. <br />E. 4ff S�r�et Parking: Off street parking req�irerzae�ts s�ail be as �isiec� in S�etion 1018, and <br />in addition: <br />1. Where a twenty four {24) �aur use is within t�ree h�andred feet (300') af a residential <br />district, that portinn af the si�e within 304 fe�t shall provide ser�enin� of parkzng and driving <br />areas adjaee�� to r�sidential areas. The screez�i��;, whzch must hav� a minirnum opacity a� <br />ninety peree�t (90%} year-raund ancl a minianrau� heighi t�f six feet (6`}, may be providec� by <br />S� <br />