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�953 <br />1954 <br />1955 <br />1956 <br />1957 <br />1958 <br />1959 <br />1960 <br />1961 <br />19b2 <br />19b3 <br />19b4 <br />1965 <br />1966 <br />1967 <br />L�cs <br />1969 <br />19"10 <br />�971 <br />1972 <br />1973 <br />1974 <br />1975 <br />1976 <br />1377 <br />1978 <br />�979 <br />1980 <br />1981 <br />1982 <br />1983 <br />1984 <br />19$5 <br />1985 <br />19$7 <br />19$8 <br />19$9 <br />1990 <br />1991 <br />1992 <br />1993 <br />1994 <br />1995 <br />I996 <br />per#'o��ance by t�e developer. The aznoun� of this band or ietter o£ credit and the specific <br />�Ie�nents of the development pragram that it is in��nded to gtaarantee �ill be st�pu�a�ed in t�e <br />development agreement. (4rd. � 0$2, 1- i 4�-1991) <br />100$.09: CONTROL OF PUD FOLLOWING COMPLE�i`ION: <br />A. Final Dev�lopment Plan Go�erns: After the c�rti�icate o�'accupancy �as bee� issued, the use <br />nf the Iand and t�e construction, znod'ziications, alteration oi any buildings ar structures <br />witilin the planned development shall be governed by the final develc�pment plan. <br />B. Changes Afi:ear Zss�an.ce af Certa�cate oi Occupancy; Aii:er t�e eertificate of accupancy has <br />been issued, no changes sha1l be mad� in �he appraved f nal de�eiopTxaent plan except upoz� <br />application as pravided below: (Qrd. 1082, 1-14-1991) <br />1. Any minor exiens�ons, alteratinns or �a�ndificat�ons of proposed o�r existi�g buildings or <br />st�ucture� �anay be autharized by fhe dev�lopment rev'rew committee if they ar� consistent <br />with the purposes anc� intent af the final plan. Na authari�ed by this section may <br />increase the cube a£ any l�uzlding or structure, �he nu�nber of �'equirec� access points, or <br />parking spaces by �nraore �han ten percent {10%). (Ord. I234, 12-15-�999, e�f. 1-1-2�00) <br />2. A�y building or stzuc�ure tYzat is to�aliy 4� substantially destroyed may be reeonstructed <br />only in compliance vvith the final development plan unless an arriendtnent to tk�e �nal <br />develop�nent �lan is approved under this chapter. (Qrd. 1082, 1-1 A�-1991) <br />3. Changes in the �se of the comrrion open spaces rr�ay be au�iarized by an az�endr�a�ezat to <br />the final development plan by the city planning commission after a public heaaring as <br />prflvided in chapter 108 of this code a�d �vi�haut all the dacumez�ts necessary for t�ie origi�:al <br />app�icatian. (Orc�. 1176, 11-25-199b) <br />4. Any other changes in the £'inai develop�aent plan nnust be autiaarized by a� anaenciznent Qf <br />the final develapmetat plan under this c�apter. (Ord. 1082, 1-14-1991) <br />1008.10: PROCEDURE �OI� PR4CESS�NG A P�: <br />A. Application Car�fer�nce: Upon �iiin� o� an app�ication for a PUD, tlae applicant of the <br />prqposed PUD shall arrange for anc� a�t�nd a eonference with the city planner. The pri�nary <br />purpose oi��ie confe�ence shall be to provide t�e applicant with an opportunity to ga.ther <br />irnfaz�aation a�d obiain guida�ace as to the general suitability a£ appiic�nt's proposal for the <br />area for which zt is proposed and its confQ�ity to th� provisians o�t�2is chap�e� before <br />incuxra�g substantial e�pense in the preparatian of plans, surveys and other ciata. (Ord. 1082, <br />1-14-1991; a�nd. 1995 Code) <br />B. Sketch Plazz: The sl�etch pian provides an opportunity for an applicant to subna�t an infarmal <br />plan to the city showin� the a�plieant's basie i�tent and general natur� of the develc��ment. <br />The sketck� p�an is op�ional and is intended to �ravide #'eedback fra� the p�azanxiig <br />cornmission before �he applicant incurs subsiantial cast in th� p�eparatio� oi foz�z�al plans, <br />T�e sketch plat� sl�all be considered a partial, incornp�ete ap�licatio� �riQr ta formai <br />submitta� af the co�plete applicataarz and scheduli�� of hearings. <br />C: Ge�eral Concept Pian: The pu�c�se of a general development concept plan is tc� formally <br />prese�t a planiz�ed unit develop�aenti and pxeli�ninaz�y plat applicat�on in a public hearing <br />be�ore the planning cammission as set fQrth in chapter 148 of tl�is code. The plan shall <br />inctude the �'olio�ving: <br />1. 4veral� znaximum PUD d�nsity range. <br />2. General location of� rnajor streets and pedestrianways, <br />G3 <br />