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1997 <br />1998 <br />199� <br />2p00 <br />200� <br />2002 <br />2003 <br />2004 <br />2005 <br />200b <br />2007 <br />2008 <br />2QQ� <br />2010 <br />2p11 <br />20I2 <br />2013 <br />2014 <br />2415 <br />20Z6 <br />2�17 <br />2018 <br />2Q19 <br />202Q <br />2021 <br />2Q22 <br />2023 <br />2024 <br />2025 <br />2026 <br />2027 <br />2�28 <br />2029 <br />2030 <br />203I <br />2032 <br />2033 <br />2Q34� <br />2035 <br />� <br />3. Gen�ral locatio� atxd extent af public and commoz� and open space. <br />4. G�nerallocafiion af residen�ial and no�residenti�l land uses with apprnxiz�aate type o� <br />infensities of development. <br />5. S�aging and tirr�e scheduie af developznent. <br />C, pther special eriferia for development. {Ord. 1176, 11-25-199G) <br />�'inal Developt�aez�t �'Ian: Fal�owing ge�era� concept cieveXop�ne�zt a�prova�, if given, the <br />app�xcant s�all sub�nit the iinal de�elopmen� sfiage applica�ion and final plat. Th� application <br />shall prace�d ar�d be acted upon in accorda�ace with section 10 � 5.01 of this title �or zoning <br />district changes. If appropriate, because of th.e limi�ed scale of the proposal, the cc�ncept <br />stage a�d develop�nent stages may praceed simultaneously. <br />� . Schedule: <br />a. Deveinper �aaeets with the city planner io diacuss the praposed de�velopmer�ts. <br />b. "The ���S3icant shaIl file �he concept plan app��catiQn az�zd pr��ix�ai�ary pla�, toge�her vui�� <br />ali supporting c�ata. (Ord. 1082, �-14-� 99 �; arnd. 1995 Code) <br />c. Within thirt� (�Oj days after veri�cation by the city platui�r that the requir�d plan and <br />su�porting data is adecJuate, tk�e plarmiz�g comna�ssion shall hold a public hearz�g as <br />pravided for in chapter 108 of this code. <br />d. The plazuxin� cozn�issio� shall co�ducf t�e �earing anc� report rts findings and make <br />recorr�mendations to the Ci�y Cauncil. The procedure s1�a11 b� that set fort� in chaptex 108 <br />of thrs �ade. (Ord. 1 �76, 11-25-1996) <br />e. The city may request additional in�'ormatzon from the appiicant conce�zz�g opeara�xonal <br />factors nr retain expert testiranany at �la.e ex�ense of t�e appiicant co�cerning apera�ional. <br />factor�. (Ord. �082, 1-14-1991; a�d. 1995 Cade) <br />£. I# th� plan�zng ca�:rnission £'ails to n�:a%e a repprt with�n ten {1Q) days a�ter eo�pletion <br />o� th� hearing, ther� t�e Cit� Council may proceed as provided for in chapter � OS of this <br />cpc�e without the xe�ort. T1�e City Couneil shali assign an ordinance numerical re%rence <br />to each final plan and PUD agreemeni text approved. The City Council m.ay attac� such <br />add'rtional canditipns as it deems reasonable. After approval by ihe City Council, in <br />accordance vvit� Minnesota statutes 462.357, subd. 2, th� PUD zaz�ing ardinance ar�aap <br />amendment shall be publis�ed, with refere�ce made to t�e PUD agreement text. The <br />applicant shall �i� responsible far reeordi�g t�e ordiz�anc� ana' PUD agreezxze�zt wzth tl�e <br />Raznsey County xecorder's affice priox to issuance of any �uilding �e�nit or wi�hin sixty <br />(60) days, whic�Zever is less. The offieial �'UD az-dina�ce and a�reezar�en� sha1� also be <br />�led in tk�e city manager's a£�"ice. {Ord. 1255, 11-26-2001) <br />2. Ap�lieations: Ten (10) copies of tlae £ollovvzng exhibits, analyses and plans s�ail be <br />submi�ted to the city (general concept plan): <br />a. Preiiminary Plat: Preli�inary plat and in�ormation required by title �� of this code. <br />b. General Information: <br />(1) The laz�dovvner's �ame and address and the landowz�er's in��rest in the subject <br />2036 property. <br />2037 (2) Tl�e applicant's name and address ii differe�at from tk�e lando�vnex. <br />2038 (3) Tk�e names and addresses o� ali professionaI cor�su�tants who have cantributed to <br />20�9 t�e development of the �UD �ian laexng subrr�itted, i�cl�:ding attorney, la�d pla�mer, <br />2040 engineer and surveyor. <br />2041 (�} Evidence ik�ai the app]icant has sufficier�t control aver the subject property to <br />2042 ef�'ectuate the proposcd PUD, i�cl�ding a sta�ement af all legal, benefieial, tenancy <br />�� <br />