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2264 7. Building Canopy or Awni�ng: A roaf li�Ce str�cture projec�izzg from the building over an <br />2265 en�rance or windaw that provides weather protection for �he �ntry or window and z�aay <br />2266 include t�e imanraedxately adjaceni area. Building canopies s�a�t be car�sidered part of the <br />2267 wall area and thus shall not warrant additional sign area. <br />2268 <br />2269 8. Building complex: A group a�'2 or m�re b�i�dings, planned ar developec� in a join� <br />22'70. ma�er wit� s�ared parking facilit'res, regardless of wh�ther such buildings ar uses are <br />2271 lncated on t�e sa�e Iot or parcel. <br />2272 9. Corrz�nercial sign: A communica�ive device that seeks to dra�v atte�tion tn ax pramnte a <br />2273 commercial, business ar eco�nomic i�texest or activity in contrast to noncorr�ercial si�ns <br />2274 that expres��s an opinipn or vievvpoint o� a social or pnlitical na�ure. <br />2275 10. Coa�struc�ion sign: A npn-illuminated s�gn at�nouneing the nanaes o� arcl�iiects, <br />2276 engineers, contractnrs or ot�er ir�divzduaXs ar frz�s iz�vol�ed with the construction, a�teration <br />2277 or repair of � building oz' property ar announcing �he character oithe building enfearparise or <br />2278 purpose �ar which t�e building is intended but no� includi�� the advert�sement a� any <br />2279 pz'oduct. <br />22$0 11. Directional Sign: A sign whie� contains na advertising arzd is intended �o iacilitate ihe <br />2281 �afe rr�ovement af pedestriazis at�d vehicles into, aut of and around the site o�a which ihe sigr� <br />2282 is lncated. <br />Coffee <br />5�op <br />EN�� <br />2283 <br />228� 12. Flags: A piece a�'cloth ar bunting varying in color and design, aEtached to a pole, used <br />2285 as a syrr�bol, standard, emblem ar iz�signia, n�r eontaining tex� ather thari that associated wi�h <br />2286 a coam�nnercial, business or ee€�nomic inlez'est or activity. <br />72 <br />