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2437 <br />2438 <br />2�439 <br />2440 <br />2441 <br />2442 <br />2443 <br />244� <br />2445 <br />2446 <br />2447 <br />2�48 <br />2449 <br />2450 <br />245I <br />2452 <br />2453 <br />2454 <br />2455 <br />2456 <br />be a� addiY�on to pe�anent, r�rinaaw and othe� signage allowed alsewhere in this chapter. <br />d. Lacation: A temporary si�n sha�l be �ocated a m���rz��n of � S�eet �`-z�o� a pra�aerty ]ine. <br />B. Nat Requzxed: A�e�nit is not required for the following sig�t. <br />1. One noncomm.�rcial signr nn larger than b square �eet and no higher than 6 feet tali may <br />�e d'zs�layed oza any lat iz� all �oni�g dist�ricts wit�aaut obtai�ing a permit. <br />2. Where this Chapter allows any cam�a.earcial sign, a�onco��ercial sxgn meeting the <br />sa�ae size, loca�ian, az�d other standarc�s sha11 be alloweci withaut obtainin� a perrnit. <br />3. Signs includin� �lectrQnic message devices w�thin the i�terior o£b�ildings, or signs <br />w��ch are not intended to be vasible beyond the pre�nises on which the signs are Iocated are <br />not subjec� io the regula�io�s set forth in this Chapter. (Ord. l 1b3, 7-24-1995) <br />4. Name�aZate Signs <br />5. Cons�ructian Signs: Constructio� signs shall b� caz�£'inec� to t%e site o�const�uction, <br />altera�ion or re�air and shalI be cons�ructed of high-quality material rnaintai�ed iri gat�d <br />repair. No more than ane sigrz is �aermitted on each street frontage the projeci abuts. Th� <br />sign shall be removed wifihin � SO days c�i t�e date oi fihe issuance nf a building pern�it fox <br />the work. A canditional �zse pez�rni� is rec�uired fnr a contractor sign ta rernain in piac� <br />lo�ager �han allawec� by this subsec�ion. Constructinn signs are allowed in zoning distric�s <br />in. accordaz�ce �with the following er"rteria: <br />D STitI T� ��ZE � HCEIGHT ( PLAC�M�NT/�ETBACK <br />R-1 & R-2 <br />All t�t�er <br />Distr�cts <br />�s S�. ��. I s �Qa� <br />ma�imum <br />32 ��. �t. <br />pe�- street <br />fron�age <br />12 fopt <br />m��imum <br />5 feet frvm p�operty li�e/zero if attached tb see�arii� fe� <br />5 f�et from propex�ty li�elzero if attachec� to security fey <br />2457 6. Directional Si�s: Directional signs may be incorpoxaf�d inta a development ir�cludin� <br />2458 infar�ation suc� as traff�c direct�ans, �ouse n�mbe�s, mar�a�;ement 4�'fice location or other <br />2459 inforrriation neeessary ta direct persans to �acilitic;� ar areas wzthin �he devetoptnent; <br />246Q provided h.owever, t�aat such sagns shal� not exceed 4%z square fieet in size and 6 fee� in <br />2461 height and are nnt closer than 1 foat from a pub�ic street right of way. Off site directional <br />2462 signs are prohibited. <br />2463 7. Flags <br />2464 $. Garage/Yard Sale Signs: T�e sign shail only be displayed during the tezrn of the sale <br />24�65 and mus� �e r�maved �vhe�a tl�e sa�e zs eor�c�pleted. <br />24C6 9. Holiday signs may be displayed over a periad not to exceed a total ai60 days per <br />2��7 calendar year. '�'he aggregatie �o�al are� of such sig�as shail �at e�ceed S� sc�uax'e feet. <br />246$ 10. Palztical s�gns ta the extent �hat tT�e £ollowin� criteria are mei: <br />2469 a. In years when a state ��neral electior� is hEld, political signs may be posted. from A�gust 1 <br />2974 until �0 da�s foXlowing the state general election. Any such signs must b� removed by those <br />2471 responsible for their bein� posted. <br />2472 b. �n years when na sta�e general eleciion is held, if t��re is a przznary for any office, palitical <br />79 <br />