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2473 <br />2474 <br />2475 <br />2�76 <br />2477 <br />2478 <br />2�'i9 <br />2480 <br />2481 <br />2482 <br />24$3 <br />2484 <br />2485 <br />2486 <br />2487 <br />2488 <br />24$9 <br />2�90 <br />Z491 <br />2492 <br />2493 <br />2494 <br />2495 <br />2496 <br />2497 <br />2�98 <br />2499 <br />2500 <br />2501 <br />�sa� <br />2503 <br />2504 <br />2505 <br />2506 <br />2507 <br />2508 <br />2509 <br />2510 <br />2511 <br />2512 <br />25 � 3 <br />2514 <br />2515 <br />25�6 <br />251'1 <br />C. <br />signs for all offiees may be posied no more than 2ldays before t�e pri�ary election. When t�ere <br />is no p�i�nary far any office, such signs nnay be posted nnt rriore than 21 days befare the general <br />elee�ion. AlX suc� signs �ust be removed by thase responsil�le fnr �heir beizzg past�d within �ve <br />c�ays fo�lovving the general election. Said palitical signs shall noi exeeed �2 square �eet gross <br />area. <br />c. Political signs shail be set back at least 1 S�eet irotn th� ouiside edge of any st�eet or back of <br />curb af all city and county �treets. <br />d. Paiitical si��.s s�a1l nat be placed sa as to cause a�azarc� to public 5a�et�. <br />e. Poii�ieal signs shail nat be piaced on any �ra�erty wit�out permission of the �roperty owz�er. <br />#: Pa�iiical signs shall not be located oz� an� cifiy nwned property. <br />g. Sigz�s in �iolation o� the above provi�io�ns may be removed by city staff and stored for two <br />wee�CS. After two weeks, u�c�aimed signs will be dispased of by the eity. <br />11. Real estate signs to the extent that tk�e �Eollowing criteria are rnet: <br />a. � and Two-Family Residential �'aroperty: �or the pu�pase o�'selling, �e�ti�g ar leasing <br />any single or twa £amily residen�ial property, a real estate sign not in e�cess nf 10 �quare %et in <br />gross s�zr�ace area in single anc� two-�amily districts znay be placed within the f'rant yard a�r in <br />the public street righ� af way beyand the frant yard. No part af the si�n shall be clasez' than 5 <br />fee� from the curb. I� ther� is a sidewal�, no part o� t�e sign shall be closer than 2�eet irom t�e <br />ec�ge of the sidewal�. <br />b. Mul�iple-Family Resideniza� Property: For the p�rpose of selling az� prarr�oting a multiple- <br />fa�ily �esiden�iai pro�erty of G oar �pre dwelling units, a sign not to e�ceed 3� square feet and <br />not mare t�an $ feet in heigl�t or a co�binataan of a frees�andir�g sign and wall �aunted signs <br />not to �xc�ed 7Q square feet may be erected upan the site not less than 15 �'eet from a property <br />line. <br />c. Business and Industrial Property: Faar the �urpose of selling, renting, or leasiz�g <br />business/industz'za1 properties, a real estate sign nat exceeding 10 square feet shall be �naun�ed <br />on �he b�zilding wall or ar�carporated intn an e�isting freestaz�c�i�ng sign. On multi-tena�t <br />praperty where new signage is requested, said real estate/leasirzg age�t sign shall be made part <br />of t�ze required Nlaster Sign Plan i�. Section �99�10I0.03D. <br />d. Number of Signs: On1y � sign is permitted per lot, except do�b�e fronted ar through lots znay <br />be permittecl an additional sig� an the second fror�tage and lots with �akeshore iron�age may be <br />ailowed an additional sign on t�e la�ce side qf the lo� at least 25 feet bac� fxoxn the s�oreline af <br />�he lake. <br />e. Rernaval o£ Si�ns: Reai estate signs s�a�l be re�oved wi�hin 7 days iallowi�g t�e �ease or <br />real estate closin�. <br />12. Security System Signs: Signs ide�ztifyi�g the pr�s�nc� of a security or alarzxa system <br />are allowed not to exceec� 2 square feet. <br />13.Windn�w Sig�s: Sig�s a��xec� to or painted an wi�dows o� placed wi�hin 36 inches of a <br />window ta be viewed from tk�e extarior of the building shall noi aec�.py more thar� 25% <br />of t�e total window area, nar s�all t�ey be placed in a location that would black the view <br />intQ ihe builc�ing from ��ublic str�et of t�te cler�C's or cashier's area. Under no <br />ci�'cumstances shall �he �:otal area a�' window signage exceed %2 t�e allawable area of <br />wall signage Far the affected builciing. <br />Perrni� Pracess: <br />$0 <br />