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2771 Ronftop equipment, includ'zng rooftop structures rela��d to elevators, s%al� be completely <br />2'�72 scree��d from eye �ev�l v�evv fr�rn con�iguo�s properties and adjacent streets. Such equipz�ent <br />2773 sha�l �e screenecl with parapets or other materials similar to and eo�patible with exterior <br />2774 materials and architectural treatZnent on the strueture being served. Hor�znntal or ve�tical sla�s o£ <br />2'i'15 wood material shall not be �atilized for tl�is purpose. (4rd. 14$3, 1-14-199�) <br />277b � �-A�A�011.08: UT�LITIES: <br />2777 4t�ear �ztilities such as me�ers a�d air handli�ig equzpment a�tached tn �rvalIs or placed o� the <br />2778 ground s�all1ae �ocated to ensure their proper fiuzzaction and faczlitate easy �nai�a�tenance. �11� suc� <br />2779 �tiiiiies shall be tatally screened fro�n eye level view Frazn adjacent prop�rties and publie streets <br />2780 utili�zng simiiar and coznpatible znaterials �o t�at o£the principaI s�ructc�re. The city encauxages <br />2781 �ur�ed electsical services. (Ord. 1083, 1-14-I99�) <br />2782 � �8�8�011,49: UFF-ST�tEET PARI�ING: <br />2783 All off street parking area� containiz�g zz�ore than six (6) par�Cing spaces cantiguous to residential <br />2'784 azeas s�iall be screened with f�ncing or landscaping to create an a1lWseasons screen, eig�ty <br />2785 percent (8�%) opaque, to a height of iive feet {5'). (Ord. 1083, 1-14-199i} <br />2786 ���810�.1.� 0: EXTERNAL LOADING AND SERV�CE A.�2EASe <br />2787 All externai lnading azad service areas naust be co�napletely screenec� fro�; gro�d leve� view of <br />2788 contzguaus re�ic�ential properties and. adjaceni sfireets exeept afi driv�way access points. (Ord. <br />2789 1083, 1-�4-1991} <br />2790 ���101.�.� l.: TRASH HANDLTNG EQUIPMENT: <br />2791 A. <br />2792 <br />2793 <br />27�34 <br />2795 <br />2796 B. <br />2797 <br />2798 <br />2'�99 <br />2800 <br />2801 <br />2SQ2 <br />2803 <br />2804 <br />2805 <br />2$06 <br />280'1 <br />2808 <br />2809 <br />2810 <br />2$11 <br />C. <br />R�1, R-2 and R-6 Resideniia� Distxic�s: Residential containers, trask� and trash handling <br />equipmeni within the sin�le-family aresidence distrzct {R-1), two-fa�i�y residence district (R- <br />2), and towzal�ouse distric� (R-b) shall be requixed to sfore trash ar�d rec�clabie �aterial <br />containers within a garage and/or approved screene� structure. Said trash and recyclabl�s <br />s�al7 be picked up ai the curbside na zzzoz�e than once a wee�. <br />R-3, A-3A, Rw�, R-S, R�7, R-8, ancl R-PUD Residence Districts: Residenfiial contain.ers, <br />duzzapsters, trash anc� trash handiing equipment within �he general aresidence distr�ct (R-3), <br />m�i�i-family residenee dist�ict (R-3A), three- and f'ouar-fa�az�y residence dastrict (R-4}, three- <br />to eight�family residence d'zstrzct (R-5), apart�ent park district (R-7j, mobile ho�n� di�tricts <br />(FZ.-8), and xesidential planr�ecl unii developments (R-PiJD) shall b� stored �wit�in an attac�eci <br />structure, constxucted of t�e same materials as the principal str�eture an� shall be rao£ed. <br />SI�ou�d th� us� be determ2n�d by the city �o be a low voluzne ge�e�a�or �1 S� gallo�s or less <br />of trash and 2 recyc�ai�le contaizaears �er week) a oz�e hundred percent (100%) opac�ue <br />screened stoarage unit {chaiz�link with siats sha11 nat l�e permitted) �o a height six fe�t szx <br />inc�es (6'£"), located away from any acljacent living area, and pic�ec� up at t�e curbside or <br />along a�rivate dri�e, sk�a11 be pe:rzniited. <br />Other Permiited Uses T� R-1 Residen�ial: Contai�ers, dumpsters, txash and irash handliz�g <br />eqt�zp�t3ent �or other uses permitted within the single-family residence district (R-1) s�ch as <br />ga�f courses, librarie�, �n��n��, government b�i�ding� and gov�rnment maintenance <br />facilities shall be stored within an attached structure, constructed a�the saa�ae zxaaterials as <br />the �rincipal structure �nd sha�l be rao£ed. Should t�e use be de�arnn.ined by the city to be a <br />�� <br />