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2&�2 low volume generator (1$0 gallons or less c�£�ras� and. 2 z'ecyclable cantainers per week) a <br />2813 one hundxed �ercent {l Ofl%) opaque screenec� starage unit {c�ainlir�k with slats �hall not be <br />28I4 permitted) to a hei�;ht six feet six inches (b'6"), located away from any adjaeent living area, <br />28 � 5 and pickec� up at the cu�bside or along a priva�e drive, shall be permitted. <br />2$ Z 5 D�. Co�mercial: Comrr�ercial dumpsters, tras�a arad trash �at�dling ec�uipz�ent wi�han the limited <br />28� 7 bu�iness distriei (B-1), Iiamited retail dist�ict {B-18), retail business distriet (B-2), general <br />2818 business district {B-3), retail offiee service distric� (B-4�), oFfiee �ark district (B-b), sh.apping <br />2&19 ce�te� district (S-C} and business plaru�ed unit deveiopar�ents (B-PUD} shall be siared within <br />2820 a principal structure or witkain an attached structure. I�the s�ructure is attaci�ed it shail be <br />28Z1 constructed of the same ma�eriais as the princzpal structure and sha1l be roo�ed. A�aczlity <br />2822 shall l�e 1oca�ed andlor screened so as to be as inconspicuous as possible to th� con�zguous <br />2&23 public right a�wap. Such trash handli�g equiptnent stora�e areas s�all be of sufficient size <br />2824 tn accom�araodate the separation of trash, including �eparate �rovisions for paper, cardboard, <br />2825 glass, cans a�d miseellaneous refuse. Should the use be c�etezmined by the city to be a low <br />282�i volume generatar (1$0 gallons or less of tz'ash and 2 recyclabl� cantazners per week) a one <br />2827 hunt�red pezcent (100°/a) apaqu� scxeened sto�ag� �znit (chainiink fencing with slats shall not <br />2828 be perrnitted} �o a height six �'ee� six i�ches {G'6"), �ocated away fro�n any ac�jacent living <br />2829 area, and pic�ed up ai the c�rbside or alc�ng a private drive, shail be perrnitted. <br />283Q E. ��dustriaL• Industrzal dumpsters, trash, and �rash handling equipment within the �ight <br />2831 indu�trial districfi (I- I}, �eneral industriaX district {I-2), modifiied general industrial district (Iw <br />2832 2A), and izadusirial p�a�ned unit developrnents {I-PUD} sl�all camply witl� subseciion I.a a� <br />2833 tlais section or be a self-contained ram contai�er attached ta tk�e exterior o� a prineipal <br />2834 structure, us�d fflr the purpase of s�ori�g and transparting refuse or �recyc�able �ateriaTs, and <br />2835 shall be fully screen.�d sp as to be as i�zeonspicuaus as possible �o the contiguous �ublic aright <br />2835 o�'way. Scre�ning �nay be eithcr a fence and/or landscapir�g anc� nr�ust be approved by ihe <br />2837 city. (Orc�. 1232, 12-13-1999) <br />2838 ( �A�9�411.�2: LIGI3TTNG: <br />2839 A. <br />2840 <br />2841 <br />28A�2 $. <br />2843 <br />2$44 <br />2845 <br />2846 <br />2847 <br />289�8 <br />2849 <br />2550 <br />285� <br />2852 <br />2853 <br />2854 <br />2855 <br />2856 <br />Fixtures: Lig�tir�g �`ixtures �hall be oi a downcast, cutoff type, concealing the light sauarce <br />��ana view and p�'eventing glare and spi�ling �nta resideniza� areas. Liglati�g; lavels at <br />contiguous residential praperty Iines s�all not exceed one��alf (�/2} �'oot-candle. <br />Mini�nuam Lzghting Levels: �nergy efiicient li�hting system� shall be eYnployed for all <br />ex��xior ligi�tiz��;. Minimum lighting levels for covered and open parking iaciliti�s s�al1 be as <br />follows: <br />� . Cov�r�d Paxking �'aciiities (Day):'� <br />General parking and 5 faflt-cand�es <br />pedestr�an az�eas <br />Ramps/corners 1 Q foot�-ca.rzdles <br />Entrances/exits SO faot-canrlles <br />Staiz�wells 20 foot-candles <br />2. Covered Par�i�g T'aci�iti�s (Night).* <br />General parking atld 5 foot-candles <br />ped�sirian areas�` <br />Ra�ps/co�ers 5 %ot-eandles <br />Entrances/exits 5 foot-casidles <br />Stainu�ils 20 foot-car�dles <br />91 <br />