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2857 3. Open Parking Areas:* <br />285$ General �arking and 0.9 �.foot-candle <br />2859 pedestrzan area� <br />2860 (k�igl� acti��tY) <br />2861 Vehicle use areas 1�oot-candle <br />28b2 '�Minirmuz�a l�ght o£ foQ#-candles at a heigkt o£ �'ive fee� (5'). (Qrd. 1083, 1 W 14-1991) <br />2863 � �8�A1011.13: �TA,NDICAP �"AC�L�TZES: <br />2864 Provisians %r handicap iacilities shail be provided as requirec� by state law az�d �hall be included <br />2$65 in sucn floar p�atzs ar�c� site p�arzs as subznitted for szte plan rev�ew tp ensure the provisit�n of <br />2&66 convenient and practical use of a11 exterior and interior iaciiities fdr handicap��d persons. (Ord. <br />2867 1083, 1-14-1991} <br />2868 <br />2869 <br />2870 <br />2871 <br />2872 <br />2873 <br />2874 <br />2875 <br />2876 <br />2877 <br />2878 <br />2879 <br />28$0 <br />2881 <br />�s�z <br />2583 <br />2584 <br />2&85 <br />2886 <br />288'7 <br />2888 <br />2589 <br />2890 <br />2891 <br />2892 <br />2593 <br />2894 <br />2895 <br />2896 <br />�-9�A101 �.14: L,ANDSCAPING AREA� OTHER TH.AN SUILD�NG AND <br />HARDSTAND: <br />All areas of lat�d nther than occupied by building and/or hardsta.nd (parking areas and driveways) <br />shall be land�eaped with sod andlor rnulch and/or roek rnaterial z� plan.ting beds whe:re <br />ap�ropriate. <br />The minirn�zn nurnber of overstary tare�s pn any givern si�e shall be one overstory tree per fifty <br />�eei (50') a£�arkzng lot frontage plus trees required for parkir�g �a� isla��ds. 4ther �derstc�ry <br />trees, shrub�, fln�ver� and grou�ad covers de�z�ed a�propziate �pr a coznplete qua�ity Xa�dscape <br />treatment of th� si�e shail be included iz� addition to tt�e required minimum of overs�ory trees. <br />A. Species�: <br />1. All �rees used in site develo�ments shall b� indigeno�.s tp tl�e appropxiate hardiness zone <br />and physica� c�arac�eristics af the site. <br />2. All deciduous tz�ees proposed to satisfy the tninimu�n requirements of t�is policy shall be <br />lon�;-lived hardwaad s�ecies. <br />3. The eampliment af trees fulfilling the requirements of �his pnlicy shall be r�ot less than <br />tw�nty iive percent (25%} overs�nry decid�aus and not �ess tharz twenry five �ercen� (25%) <br />coniferous. <br />�. �odding and Ground Cover; Excep�ions: All areas �nt otherwise improvec� i� accordarace <br />wa�h appraved siie pla�s shail be sodded. E�ception.s to this critexio� may be recommended <br />by �he deve�apment areview comz�ittee as foilaws: <br />I. Seeding of future expansion areas as sho�n on appraved plar�s. <br />2. Undisturbed areas coniaz�ing existing viable natural vegetation whzch can be maintained <br />free n� foreign and naxious plan� amate�ials. <br />3. Areas ctesignated as open s}aace or f�tzture expansion areas properly planled and maiz�tained <br />with prairie grass. <br />4. Use of �r�ulch �nateriats such as roc�C or vraod ck�ips i� s��port a�'shrubs and foundat�on <br />plantings. <br />C. Slape and Berrns: <br />1. Fiz�al slppe grades st�eper than the ratio oft three tn one {3:1) will not be perrnitted withqut <br />� See also Claapter 706 of this Code. <br />92 <br />