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?.0 <br />r�spansibility af new dev�iopment ta ens�nre corr�patibility witt� e�s�ing uses <br />{adjacent us�s au�side the Mas~�er Plan area). <br />£ 7'he City encaurag�s thre use af shared par�in�;, r�unped parkzng and a regianal <br />w�ter retentian p�an vuhe� appropriate ta redace i�t��rvinus surfaces and increase <br />green spar�. 'The Twin Lalc�s Desi� Guidelin� (� 9$8) are the cur�nt Design <br />Guidelines until s�tpercexic�i by amendments or "parcel specific" planr�ed unit <br />d�velopment ordinar�ees. <br />To ensure orderly, �air, e�'iicient and cast-effec�ve redeveiapment, the City will <br />z►se erninent domain — cc�ndemr�atiar� — in r,ases �v�Ze� acc�uisition of tk�� tatid area <br />axtd can�truction o� pub�ic roads anc� parks, utiliti�s and/or storm sewer are <br />deerr�ed rr� the public's ua�rest by the Ci�ty Cauncil. �n addition, to iu�dur.� fi�ther <br />new private i�ave.s�nent that is i€n tl�e public's b�si interest and ensure that the City <br />is paying a�'air price while n�ot overpaying �or specu�at�ve developnaen�, <br />conrder�n�nation �►ay be used as a East optian irx redev��opm�nt negabation process <br />io c��te,nr�irae a f�r z��et value of t�e laraPeri3'. All conc��mnatian �it�atives <br />�t�ire City Caur�cil approval. <br />F':arther obj�ives o� tl�e renewed master plar� �re outli��ri in tl�e full Tr�vi� L�lc�s Master <br />Plan prepaied by �taff. and revier?ve� by the Planning Corr��ission or� Nov�xnber 8, 2000 <br />and I3ecember 13,200 �. This rr�as�r plan dncu�n�nt sez�v� as �e off�cial amend�ent to <br />the Camprehensiv� Plan for Twin Lakes as a�B�siness Park"'. A!I the ��emer�s af the <br />pl� will be addre�d and reviewed as�aarcel� are r�developed. <br />STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS an�d CONIlV�ENT <br />7. l The Plantzi�g Staff r�z�mends appraual c�f Scenario 1(as oppo� to Scenario lA �#h <br />a retail eomqaon�nt) a� mc�st consistent wi�h �he eomprehensive plan and vision for 3.�� <br />Twiri T..akes Area. <br />7.2 Whi1e there were no significant �ra�ffic i�npaet differen�es betw�n the high-tec� scenario <br />(3.) and the retail scenaria {1A) dttring the �armal shqpping week, there can be a <br />significant diff�rence d�ing pea� holi�ay s�iopPa3n� l�ods. �tt additian, t�te z�umber vf <br />heacl of household jnbs and payroll creat�d for the high-tech scenario is signa�cantly <br />hi�er, T#ie Regaa� area. that was st�died for a possible change to big bax reiail is <br />cwrently designated industrial and znned I-2 gene;rai undustrial. <br />7.3 T�e Co�u�acuxiiy I�evetopment and �blic Works Staff also support and recommend the <br />ittttiing� of th� AUAR and t�e Plan t'�at adcfress miti�on factQrs tn mit�mi7'�: �he <br />envirnnmental i;mpacts creat�ci hased u�n the renewed Twin L,akes Master Pian. <br />7.4 As the area redevelaps, the enviro:nnr►e�tal it�pacts czeated are no� sigufcant and with <br />the iznp(e�entation of the mit�gation �etors it�e ittipacts are minixx�al �ially w}�en <br />cansidearing the a�ter�a�ive af "no redeve�opment". �� oppc3rt�i�}' lo�t by altawir�g the <br />area ko re�sain Underutilized is aignificani. Not only are thexe eeoztou�ic benefits with <br />$4f10 milIinn in ne�v value, 5,OQ0 new jabs aztd GO{) new housit�g t�nits, there are also <br />intar�gible corr�nunity 13ene�ts 13y prov�ciirtg a rnast�r pl� tltat: <br />PF3232 — I2CA(Ofi26�1) Fage 5 of 6 <br />��� <br />� <br />