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$.0 <br />• improves the c€.urent and future e�rvi�onment, <br />. preserves the [and use integrity of Langton Lake and Dasis Pan�, <br />. creates an appealing enfry in�n the CitY, <br />o provic�es opport�ities £o�r �ousing that �natches t�e �eec€s of Twi� Lakes <br />empIdyees, and <br />. enhances public <br />redevelopment: <br />pat�ways �d new aia�enities all in a smart growth patte�-n of <br />7. S If approved, sta�' will submit the Twin Lakes IVlaster Plan aanendment to the <br />Con�pre���sive P�an, �cluding the AUAR, con�arne�i letterrs and zni�igation p�an to the <br />Metropoliian Counci( for review ar�d ea�nnent as req�zired by �tate Statute. <br />7.6 �cz addi�an, staff wili prepare a list of ne� steps for C�uneil re�iew in July to encourage <br />t13e timely inr�p�emen�atiQn of t�ie Tw� Lakes M�ter Plan and to m�imize the publie <br />s�pp�rt an� private invesi�nent in the area. <br />SUGGESTED COUNCiL AC'T�ONS: <br />S.l Open the pubtic hearing and invite public com�ent regarding the findin�ss af the <br />Comprehensive Plan atr�endrr�ent and the AUAR, annsecutively. <br />S.2 By resotution (draft attaehed), approve tl�e fina� amendment of the Comprehe�sive <br />Plan inr t�e Twin Lakes Business Park area from "B�tsiness" ar�d "industria.!" to <br />"Busin:ess Par�" as describe�. in the Twin �,akes Maste� �'lan dated .Tur�e 26, 2UOI and <br />..�----_�...._.� . .�.<,:�. <br />�.�._ <br />as amet�ded by Council with the Scen�n i. e ame�zc`��'ini��Fi�C`a�so 'i�clii�e the <br />find�gs of the AUAR and mitigat�on plan. Note: The Cac�ncil cQUlc�, as an <br />alter�ativ�, c�eaase Scc��x°io lA, which plans fbr �ig 6og retaii devec�op�nea� <br />8.3 By zesa�ut�Qr� (dra� attac�ed), aecept the findings of the AUAR and Mitigatian Plan <br />�ar t.�e Twin Lakes Business Park and au�n�ze staf�' to prepare respo�se tetters to the <br />agencies prnvidi�� eondment �d to resub�it the Mitigation Plan to the EQB £or fi�al <br />CO�IIi��.'�. <br />�,,,4ttachmer�is;_ Dr�$ ResoluLions, AUAR Gomment i.etters, AUAR �xec�ttive S��nary and <br />Mitigation Plan from DSU, 'Fwin Lakes Masier Plaz� <br />Prepared by: DenrzEs Wel5Ch (490-2232) and Cathy Bennett (49(1-2241) <br />Q:iPln►tntrs� Fiks13232 TwinLakesRenewedPlanlTwin T.a[ces P#enslliCA Twin Lakes AilAR_Camp Plan A�nend(M�2601).doc <br />PF3232 -� RCA�IiFf2GO1� �'age 6 of 5 <br />r <br />� �4' <br />�, <br />�,. . <br />`y �,� <br />��'�� � � <br />/ <br />� <br />