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REQUE�T FOR CQUNC�L ACTTON <br />Appraval: <br />�A BACKGROI.JND <br />DATE: (i��IOI i/ <br />rmt�7vt t.�n• � �r_ � <br />Agenda Section: <br />LA�TD �SE <br />l.l After openin� a� public hearing on Novexriber $�' and continuing it to December <br />1 3"'' tk►e Plar�nin� CoErir�zission took affinnative aetian an the Twin I,akes <br />Buszz�ess Par�C Renewal S�rategy w�ich is a recammendec� amendment tn ti�e <br />C�ty Cnnr�prehe�sive P�a�e The '�'win Lakes planni�g process �d t.he <br />amendment shouid achieve the follo�ving: <br />�.l.i evaluated and u�pdat�d Che ariginal 1988 Master Plan; <br />1. i.2 i�corporatet� the a�e�r�ment in �996 based �pon ths Tw�n �,akes <br />Par�way, <br />t. l3 evaluated cf�anges in the B�siness Park �narket <br />1.�.4 ensures that redevelap�ent will maxirnize the Ciiy's curr�nt and future <br />investm�nt pol�cies and snategies <br />1.1.5 �valuates the e�nvirorur�ental impacts based upon tt►e ar�r�ended rnaster p�an <br />thro�� an Alternate Urban Area-Wide Review (AUAR} — if needed, <br />whzch is an acceptable process by tha Environrr�en�I Quality Board per <br />Sec�inn 4410.3600 of fhe reg�iations far enviaro�une�ta� revisw of <br />develapment areas. The content and form of the AUAR must be similar <br />to an Environmenta� Assess�nent Worksheet (EA'1� witta th� level of <br />analysis comparable to an Enviro�unenta�l Trnpact Sh�c3y (EIS). <br />�.1.6 callaborates wit� tE�e I-3SW �oalitian build out p(ans and otl�er state artrf <br />co€��;ty agencies plans to strengthen linka�es a�nong jobs, transpartatian, <br />and housing. <br />1.2 Another important e[e�ment of t�e renewed master p[an process is ta znare �lose�y <br />evaluate fu�ure iand uses and identi�y the costs, returns and impacts for t�e City. <br />1.3 It is critical tha� new development withiz� Twin Lakes eomple�nents (as muct� as <br />possible) t�e uses and pub[ic investments in o�her Rosevil(e redevelop�ent ar�as <br />such as Gataway, PaYton Road, Gat�way Wes�, Tovver Ptace, and Gentre Poante. <br />e�3z32 - RcA�oiasox> �a�� � o� � <br />