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2.0 RENEWAL �TRATEGY PRUCESS <br />2.1 Tfie first par�. of t�e Twin Lakes Ren�wai Strategy was completed with a bus to�r <br />in .�uty. The tour provided public pa�ic� nraatcers with a perspective oiwhat <br />redevelopm��t has occ�arred in Rosevilfe and the basic challeng;es the comm�r�iiy <br />wauld face in the conti�ued e�fort to redevelap Twin La�es. <br />2.2 TF�e secand process vvas cotr�pteted November 1 at�d 2, 2dCl0. The sta.�`�' �efd <br />strategy meetings wi� four key stakehoicler groups. The staiceholder groups <br />consisted of paroperty o�ners, area neighbors, �ey deveiopers, and go�ernrnent <br />and non-profit agenci�s t�at will ner;� to he infarm�d as part of �he AUAR <br />prvicess. The strategy meetings provic�ed t�e following: <br />a, a summary o� exi�ting plans and autline the inconsistencies betw�een them; <br />b. faur differeni lar�� use plan sce��arios; <br />a an ou�line of the costs and irnpacts to the aom�euiity of eack� kar�d use plan <br />scenario and a discussron of'ih� icnpiementatioan strategies fpraactive or <br />miarket drive�); <br />d. a summary of the outcorr�es: new square faotage, erriployment, wages, ta�es, <br />. infrastructure (gre�nspace, ponding, roads, park), and env�rc�nmental cleanup <br />pf each Iand use plan scenario; <br />�. discussi�n of the publie pta.�ning aptions to more; acc�zrate(y porUay the <br />desired land use scenaria sueh as Camprehensive Plar� Am�nd�ne�nt nr a new <br />Zoni�ng District (possihly a� 1'UD or `B-6" �nixed use districtj. <br />2.3 After compietian oi the stra�egy �neetings, staff ca�soiidated �he cam��n�s a.t�d <br />suggestions of the partieipants a.nd reported to the Caanrnissian on additional <br />�ndings at the publia heatit�gs on November 8 and Deae�nb�r 13, �UOQ. <br />2.4 Since the P�anning Coz�€�mission recom��end�d apptoval of a Renewal Strategy, <br />anci assuming fmal Council appcoval af a revised plan, an Aiter�ative IJrban Area <br />Review {AUAR) process could be�in in earty 2001. The pu�pose af th� AUAR. is <br />to review ali environnnental issues sueh as tra�fc, water storage at�d t�rainage� <br />capacity, air qua�ity, infrasiructure improvements, lanc�scaping, c�esign plan, <br />parking, e#c. Th�s pracess wiil develap envirnnrnental mitigations tp cantrol <br />impacts to tl�e City. <br />2.5 Upon compietian of the AUAR, which requires the review artd coait�znent �y <br />several regulatpry agenaies, the community shoulri have a better und�rstanding of <br />the developrr�ent po�ential in Twir� La.l�es, their impacts and r�vays to prnvide <br />assurances far quality, environmentally sensitive ciev�lnpcnent through speeific <br />mitigation measures. If after th� AUAR is approved ancf a developrnent propnsal <br />is submitted ti�at does not �eet the environmental �resholds established, <br />additional environme�ita3 review witC be required a� t�e expense of t�e apptican#. <br />Z.G Si��f is hapefui that a renewed plan, wit� the background de#ail cort�pleted ta <br />support it, will pnsition the City to more realistical�y captt�re carporate e�pansion <br />PF3282 —RCA(t31q$Ql) Page 2 of 6 <br />