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pra�ect{s), such as Ver'itas, anr� pravir�e th� framewark for a more pract�cal mix�d <br />used business park. <br />3.0 STAI�� COMMENT and RECON�ME�VIDATTUNS <br />3.). As outltned abt�ve, the de�aii�d re�newal stra�egy process is weil under way. Onca <br />ihe Counci[ decides on a scenaria(s), a rnore detailed AL7AR review can be�in, <br />culminating in fi��.l apprava[ of changes to the Cor�prehensive Plan. The Council <br />needs �a acc�pt or reject tt�� Commissians reeomrr�ended scenario which will <br />provided "directian and define ihe scope" far fi�rther study. Should the detailed <br />AUAR study oi the seleci:ed scenario u�cover some significant new <br />environmental, pl�ysical, or �scal impacts, the £'iar� and the scez�arios wo�ld be <br />brought back ta the Comrt�ission and Council far further modi�aations. <br />3.2 To begin the AUAR review pracess staff will wor�C rr�ore close(y wi�h Pianning <br />Consult�'►t, DSU to deveIop a work �1an and cost estiamate fox the project basr:d <br />upon fi�ae r�ce►mmended land uses. In add�tinn, tt�ere wi�! �Sa a n�ed co �Zirs a <br />traffic c€�nsultant tn evaivate the estirnated traff��c capacity of reeommer�ded <br />redeveloprnent plan. There is ari partner with the I-3 SVJ <br />Caalitian's tra�c consul�ant, SRF, in this effort as they look at the tra�c impact <br />all along the entire cprridor based upan the build ouf study. <br />3.3 Staff will return to Cauncil wa�t�e a reque�tt to approve a wark plan and costs <br />associated with �he cievelopment an�d review oi t$e AUAR b� DSU and trai�c <br />stu�dy by �RF in 1at� January. <br />3.4 The ataff prepared both visual a.t�d technical reports necessary to evaiva�e the <br />impact ta th� comxnunity af th� 270 aore rede�veloprnent master plan, including 46 <br />pacaels. The techniaal plan amendrr�ent describes the possible rede�e�opment of <br />l�etw�;en 2.1 and 3.5 million squ€are feet of building area depending; on tlte �eight <br />af the structures and the tra�c and utility capacities. <br />3.5 �'ocus group meetings lzave been helci. A sfafl s�zm�nary the �'ind�ngs �s a��hed. <br />3.6 At� AUAR ap�►r�nacb to environ�enta! review is re�om�nended over �ore <br />pareel speci�c a�proac�es such as an EAW or EIS for sevsral reasous: <br />1. it requires the #echnieal rigor of an EIS, the �ost rigoraus fnr�n of review, b�t <br />uses the convenient "worksheet" format of an EAW. <br />2. Unlika an EIS or EAW, an AUAR requires tr�itigatio� of the project's <br />environznez�tal impacts. <br />3. An AUAR addresses impacts of future developmen�, as well as of the <br />proposed project. <br />4. As a result, fuhue projects in an AUAR study area znay nat rec�uire furti�er <br />detailed environmental review, if they are consis�ent wit� nrigin�] AUAR <br />assumptiar�s, their i�rapacts do not exc��d those at�iicipated by tl�e AUAR and <br />mitigation measures are irr�pleznented, as rec�uired by #he AUAR. <br />PP3232 —RCA(OiD841) Page 3 ot'6 <br />