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This type af proeess is mar� proactiv� and visianary and provides for a more <br />cornpreh�nsive znaster �lan. �n addition, the pracess removes a <br />redevelopment barrier by deereasing �he enviran►nentaI review process for <br />projects by six months to a year. This savin�s is time can be very signifi�ant <br />in t�e site se�eotion pcacess far ttnajor corgoraiions. Once the AUAR is <br />CAt��'1��ti�9 t�e ca�znuniry, develapers and cc�z�pa�ies will have a better <br />understanding of what is expected in the red�ve(opment process. <br />3.7 itEC4MNiENDATrONS: T�e staf�'recvmn�ends using the quality of life <br />guidetines to assist in the iand use decisian makin�: <br />l, Heavy industry, truck te�rninals and se�ni #railer stora�e are not �he most <br />compatible land use �t for the fut�re of Twin La�Ces bec�use af traf�c <br />dernar�ds, noise, water and air quatity problerrts, and Io�c7v bt�iiding qua(ity. The <br />Plan s�ould contin�e to discourage furt�er tr�rc�ing related intrusions inta �he <br />Twin 'Lakes area, and further, discourage new heavy industrial plant <br />as�.blishments, intensi�eations, or expansions. <br />2. New housing (or a mix of housing and affices in the sarne building) should be <br />lt�cated adjacent to existing hansing, la�ces and parks areas wherever�possibie. <br />Sy adding a prafessianal ar ha;me n�c� ca�npanent ta th� housin� s�r�ctcrre; <br />a higher building value is created which can help rsduce the initial cast of the <br />housin� units. An al�ernate to hausing is high quality o�ca ar headquarters <br />building. <br />3. 5ervice mixes of support lodging, retaif, banks, fitness and simiiar �ses shou(d � <br />be loeated nearest to County Roaci C and Cleve�anc€ Avenue ta take advantage <br />of gaod z�nark�tability and easy access onto a busy street syste�n — it is both a <br />subregionat destina�ion for travel�rs, and a st�pport s�:rvice �or users within the <br />business park. Business park us�rs co�ld �r�duce trips and n�ed nat gain aocess <br />franr� the busy streets but r�tk�er frorr� inte�aal roads aa�d sidewalks. In <br />�ddition, these are �he best araas for existing and expanded transit stops far <br />tl�� wor�Cers of tlaose se:rviae industries. <br />Multiple level a�:F'tces and medical affices should take visual and access <br />advantage of lacatioz�s along tl�e Parkvvay and Cl�veland Avenue. Offic�s <br />cnuld be a good �ezghbor ta residential �as�d because of ttaeir lower naise, <br />light, and �c complexitiss in the evenings. In addition, th� design azitf <br />coniiguration o� o�ce cnmplexes could be an advantage to the neighborhood <br />where public pathways, water features and green s�aces may be created for <br />public use. <br />5. o�ce, High Tech/Flex, and iight assecnbty {ali stor�ge inside building) uses <br />can �t most evaryw�ere bu� fit best an spme af the lower visibiG�y parc�Is <br />wf�ere ernplayaes are the primary traffie. This typ� of use can also be a buffer <br />bstweezz the e�isting ret�.il and ot�er r�ore sensitive uses. <br />P�3232 — RCA{0108�1) Page 4 af & <br />