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THE `�'WIN LA�ES AUA.R "UPDATE" <br />,iULY lf, 2�07 <br />BY AL SAND� <br />The propos�d "UPDATE" of the Twin Lakes AUAR i��ustrates how a dacurnent <br />is in�rerently inaccura�e and dysfunctional wi�en it is grepared by a dysfunctional <br />government. <br />The first inc�ication of a dysfiuictional gavernment is when yau freeze out the <br />citizens in the decisic�n �an.aking pracess. Note that staff wants the Councit, alone, ta <br />review az�d then declare the dacument "cornplete and accurate " hy August ��t�, and then <br />distrib�te it to the reviewing agencies, r�vithout any citizen involverr�ent. Not tzntil August <br />20th, af�er the Councik �as rubber stamped ihe sta�fs proposed AUAR, and dectared �t a <br />"dc��e dea.l" and sent it off to the zeviewing agencies, wauld any public cornmez�t be <br />inttoduced. This is a dysfunctionat process, r�vealing the sta�€'s fear af public <br />i�iteri'erence in theiz plans. Lc�cai gave�mer�t thrives on openness, nnti s�cret dealiings <br />setting up dane deals before the pu��ic is allowcc� "in". <br />Th� second indicatia� of a dys�unctiona.� gavera��am.ent is the s�aff'and Council's <br />apparent determinat�on to prepare a new AUAR basec� tin fantasy scenarios dreatned up <br />by stafi, instead of any cirizen ar commission interac�ion, artd ram it through quickly, <br />This is in star% co�at�as� to �e first AUAR shzdy, then cou 1ed witta r� aration af the <br />�xistin� ComPrehensive Plan fo�r Twin Lakes, which toa�C several years and much citizen <br />and ca�nn.ission inpu� hefore fina.l appraval by siaff and Couracil. Please note tl�t in <br />2Q01, the comprehensive plan and the AUAR rrtere;jnirzt prajects do�e sirrzultan,eously, so <br />there was nn "discannect" between �ie comprehe�sive plan and the AUAIZ that exi�s <br />today. ,A.�l �his is in spite o� �ega1 advice ernanating fro;m �he �ail�d Trv�n Lakes paroposal <br />that it is probably best ta not go inta a new AUAR at this time. See xny ndte 2 attac�ed. <br />Final�y, the docu�arxe�t itself is riddlsd u+ith untrut�s and misrepresentations as to <br />th� true nature of �he present, �X15ilYi� 5liZl�ilOII. The most g�aring examples aze: <br />(i } Table 6.1 (�aage 10). Tha� table �a�ports � show existing la�d uses. Since <br />the collapse of the Twi� Lalces LLC praposat, r�ast of this land should be classif ed as <br />vacan�- developabie. Yet stafFcontinues ta pretend that this is still a fi�z�ctioning <br />con€aznercial distri�ct of heavy and lig�t industrial. �rse. Not True. `This is a serious <br />mi5repr�senfiat�on ai the existin�; land uses, and needs to be corrected. <br />(2) Th� very next paragraph declares �hat all three development scenarias are <br />cansisterzt with th� existing corriprehensave plan. This zs simply not tarue. The AU.AR <br />eon�inu�s this decepiion on page 1�{second paragra�h), where s�aff states that "the 200i <br />Master Pian includes "fo�r future �a�c� �se plans", Options 2,3,ar�d 4. T'his is an <br />intentional outri�;�t znis�represent�tion, the product a:f vvishfui thinking instead of a care�ul <br />review of t�e actua� Twin Lakes Mastex P�an. See Nnte I attached whic% details the <br />