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W�ile it's true that a relief package would provide direct be�efit to Ryan, the City migh� alsa <br />evaluaie Ryan's req�xes� in terms of whethsr it will pravide some benefit to �he City. For <br />e�azx�ple, if the City is concern�d a�out zts reputation with area deve�opexs, praviding addec� <br />assistance to Ryan a�d s�aying engaged in �he partnerslnip may irnprove our image, and enhance <br />ou� abilzty to attract qualified develapers for the Twi� Lal�es Rec�evelopment Area. <br />Siaff Recaxn�endai�o� <br />Obviously the Council oughi to consider alX af the public poliey i���zcatio�s in determining <br />whe�her ta provide assistance tr� Ryan. Tt is sugges#ed that tl�e City not only take inta <br />consideratiot� the objectives tha� w�re set forth in 1982 wkzen the District was created and the <br />objectives set farth in � 997 w�en t��e Redevelnpment Agreement was entered inta; but that the <br />eventual decisian also reflec� the City's fu�ure goals and objectives. <br />�� caz�sideration o� a Centre Pointe relief package for Ryaz� Companies, City Sta�'f recommends <br />t�e Cauncil assess �he %llowing: <br />*:• Will a relzef pac�Cage for Ryan Cc�anpanies provide grea�er benefit to the City than if it <br />wasr�'t provided? <br />This me�no does not addz�ess haw th� City mi�ht mea�ure `benefzt' . <br />Fau�l Co��a��ts <br />Al�haugh Ryan Compa�ies is speci�cally req�esiing sorne relzef, th� Council is not necessaz�ly <br />r�quired ta take any immediate awtia�. T�, �'or exarnple, th� Cer�ire Pointe TIF Dzst�ct is <br />e�tended th� Council could �odify the TTF Plan in such a wa� thai preserves ihe aptian of <br />providing some r�lief Alternatively, �he Council could establzsh a new ag�-eetzzent vvith Rya�a <br />Companies �hat delay or temporarily suspend t�e require�nent t�at Ryan repay the laan a� <br />12l31/47. Tlais vvould give th� City r�ore ti�ne tQ considex the merit of Ryan's req�zest. <br />4n the other �and, if the Co�neil has no inclinatioii whatsoever to gran� any relief, tkzez� the <br />Council shot�ld direct Siaff ta communica�e the City's pasition and io £arnaally r�quest that Ryan <br />xepay tka.e balar�ce of�he laan as specified in the Ag,�eeme�t. <br />Staf� will seek fi�rther CQUncil direction at either th� I�ece�xaber 3`� Council rr�eeting or the <br />December 17, 2007 T�F District #1 (Centre Pointe) pubiic hea�ring. <br />3 <br />