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How wili the surrrey be administered? <br />The survey wil] be administered by mail. A postcard is seni to randomly se�ected <br />houselaalds an�lo�ncing that a survey will follow. The first survey cazxzes a t�veek later <br />and is fallo�wed by a"reminder" survey one week after that. Data co�leetion by phozae <br />is also ar� option. <br />Ho4v many pecsple in our jurisdiction wili recei►re t�e rrrailir�g? <br />T�e basic service incIudes a saznple size o#� 1>2QD residents. However, we a�so ofier the <br />optian of a sarnp�e size of 3,OQ� residents at an additional cost. <br />How raany respe�ses can we expect?' <br />With a sample size of 1,2p0, we typical�y receive al�aut 400 responses. Por a sa�nple <br />size o� 3,a0�, we e�pect appz�axiza7ately 1,000 responses. The actual n�mber varies <br />from jurisdict'ron to �urisdiction. The respar�se rate will depend partly an tt�e azx�ount <br />of pubiicicy you pro�ride ahead of time. <br />Wha# abnut penple who d�►n'� speak Englis�? <br />We offer a Spanish-lang�age versian af the survey instrument as a service optidn. Let <br />us knaw if you are interested in other Ianguages. <br />What k�nd ai report �uwi11 w'e get? <br />You will get three separate reports. You cara see samples of t�ese �nal reports at <br />zc�a.ozg/ncs. A� executive summary briefs yQU on results. A comprehensive report <br />includes survey baeicground, survey r�ethods, local res�ults and appendices. Lacal <br />results ar� presented in tab�es and graphs. A third report, inte�lded iqr internal use or <br />for public infarmation purpases, at the zna�zager's discretion, cornpares local res�lts ta <br />norms based on NRC's database of o�er 350 surveys conducted throughout the iTnited <br />States. <br />Can we compare the resu6#s of The Nat�onal Citizen Survey�'� to ihe results of <br />surveys we did in the past? <br />Yes. As an optic�n, we ca�� convert rr�ost service evaIuat'rons to Ti�e NGS�" zz�easure- <br />ment scale far comparisons o�er the ]ast 3 administratia��s ta The NCS�"` resuIts. <br />� <br />