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� REQUEST FOR COUNCZL ACTION <br />� DATE: &/18/07 <br />0 <br />b <br />7 D� <br />8 1 <br />9 � <br />10 Item <br />1� <br />12 <br />t Approvai: <br />Ma�ager Revfiewed: <br />�TEM NO.: 7.f <br />Agencia Section: <br />Ap�rave �'ublic Improv�nt Coniract for Frank's Nurse�y Redevelaprnent (PF <br />#3�$0 & 07-009) <br />13 Sackgrat�nd: 4n January 9, 2Q06, the City Cout�czl approved the REZONING ofth� former Frat�s site <br />� 4 to Retail Business District (B-2). The conce�tual site �alan s�bmitted durin� this process inc��c�ed <br />15 rem�deling the �orrner 18,�80 sc�. ft. siructure; constr�cting an 8,000 sc�. ft. eastern additaan; az�:d the <br />16 developYnent of a bank a� the nart�iern portian Qfthe parcel. (PF �3650) <br />17 <br />18 Dn Marc� 26, 20Q7, Kirnca Realty tiie City Co�ncil approved a CONDIT�()NAL USE PERMIT to <br />T 9 install a darive-thr�z window ai a single stary, stan.d-alo�e 2,0 Z 8 sq. ft Star�ucks Caffee ai 1840 Highway <br />20 36 (to be located bet�veen Fairview Avenue a�ad the Golfsmith structure). (�'� #07-009) <br />2� <br />22 As a part of the reznnin� approval, the City req�ired the addition of a right tuxn lane a� t�e iniersection of <br />23 t�e Frontage Road and �airview. The developer ha� hired RLK, Inc. to design the i�aprove�ez�ts. The <br />24 City will rvor� with t�eir Engiz�eex tk�roughoc�� the cons�ruction project ta ensure t�e i�z3prove�ents are <br />25 ir�stalled accord'zn� to the approved pians and Ciiy sp�eificatio�s. These i�pxave�ents, once <br />26 construct�d, w�11 be turned over to the City. <br />27 <br />28 Policy object�ves: �n order to ensure tha� the imprQV�m�nts are buil� to City standards, we have d�rafted a <br />29 Publ�c ��nprovement Cnntract that de�nes the responsibilities ai�volved with t�e proposed public <br />30 improvear�ae�ts. Th� improvemenis tnust meet all app�icab�e Czty �tandards for streets and utilities. <br />31 <br />32 Upon campietion of tk�e paroject, the develo�er's engineer must provide the City with As-built plans. They <br />33 �nust also parov�de ta the City Engineer a letter certifyi��g t�at the iam.p�rovements were constructed acc�rding <br />34 tQ a�p�roved plans and specif"ica�ions, a.zad request that the Ci�y accept the improverrients. Once t�e City <br />3S Ca�ncil aceepts the improveza�ents, the one-�ear warranty period will be�in. <br />36 <br />37 Finaneial impiicata�us: Ali cQSts as�ociate� �vith construction of i:he �ew pub�ic ampravements <br />38 neces�ary £ox thzs develQpme�t will be borne by t�e Developex. A$500 application fee as r�ell as a$l 90 <br />39 Czty Coordina�ion fee is requir�d. Apprap�iate surety in �he form o�a Letter c�f Cr�dit will �e provzdad <br />40 for ail public improve�a�z�is �n t�e amount oi 125% nf tl�e construction cos�, $18,818.44 �or a total of <br />41 $23,523.00. O�ce �he cqn�truc�ion of �he i�proveznents has beez� co�np�eted and accep�ed lay �he City, <br />42 this Lettex of Creclit will be released and re�alaced by a two-year warranty bond. <br />43 <br />44 <br />45 <br />46 <br />47 <br />48 <br />RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTIOIV� <br />Approva� a� �'ranlc's Nursery Redev�lapment p�blic improvernen� co�itract. <br />Prepared by: D�hra Bloarn <br />