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1 exte�sio� is granted, it sk�a1� be co�dxtia�ed upon updatizzg t:he security postet� by tlae <br />2 DEVELOPER to reflect cast i�creases and the extended coranpletion date. <br />4 S. L,icense. The DEVELOPER I�ereby grants the CITY, its agents, employees, nf�cers anct <br />5 contractors a lieense �o enter the site �o perform ali woric and inspections deemed appropria�e by <br />G the C�TY du�'i�g the installation a£ public i�proverr�ents by �he C�TY. Th� license shall expire <br />� after the sit� has been developed. <br />9 9. Erosac►� Caa�tra�. �'rrxor to site gradi�g, and be�ore any uti�ity co�st�ction �s commenced or <br />1� building per�nits are issued, t�ae earosion control pla�a., PIaz� B, shaI� be i�nplezaaez�ted, i�spected a�ci <br />11 a��roved by ��e CTTY. No construction activity will be alio�v�d and r�o buildin� permits wi�l b� <br />�2 issued unless the site is in fiull compliance with the erasion control rec�uirements. <br />13 <br />�4 • A11 areas distt�rbed by t�e excavation and backfilling operations s�all be reseeded within 72 <br />I5 hours a�ter the ccsm�le�inn af the work in �ha� area. <br />I6 • Except as otherwise provided in the erosion eontrol �lan, seed shall be rye grass or other fast- <br />�� grawing seed su�tab�e io the existing sail to provide a teznporary grauz�d cave� as rapidiy as <br />18 passible. <br />19 • Sad �s reqttired on alI slopes greater than �en percent (10%) gradients ar as t�irected by the City <br />2o Engineer. <br />21 •.All seeded areas shall be mulched and disc azac�aored as necessary for seed retention. <br />22 <br />23 T�e parties recognize �hat time is of the essenae in cantrolling erosion. �f ti�e siie develop�er�t <br />24 daes not co�nnpiy wit� �he erasion co�tro] �1an and sc�edule o�r supplementa�y instructions <br />25 r�ceiv�d from the CITY, the CITY may take such action as it dee�ns appropriate to cont�rol <br />26 erasio�, The CITY will endeavor io iloti#'y th� DEVELOPER in advance of any proposed actian, <br />z� but failure o� tl�e C�TY to do so wil� not a£fect the DEVELO�'ER's or C�TY's rig;hts a� <br />2S obligations �ereuzader. �f the DEVELO�'ER daes nat rezznb�rse the CITY for any cost t�:e C�TY <br />29 incurred for s�ch �vork within t�irty {30) days, t�e CITY may draw dowr� the letter of credit to <br />3a pay any eosts. <br />31 <br />32 10. Clean__up. The DEVELOPER s�a�l clean dirt and de�ris from streets that has resulted from <br />33 eons�ruction work by the DEVELOPER, its agents or assigns. The CITY will inspect the site on <br />34 a weekly basis and determine whet�er i� is neeessary to take additiQ��al �neasures to clean dirt and <br />35 debris frazn tk�e streets. Aftex the DEVELC}�'ER has �received 24-k�ou�r vezbal �atzce, t.�ie C�T"Y <br />36 vvill complete or con�ract to cararapl�t� the cleazz-up ai thc D�VELOPER'� expense, as per t�e <br />37 conditians under �'aragraph 12. <br />38 <br />39 11.O�vvnershrp oi Tmprovem�nts. U�on compleiion and CITY accep-�ance of the work and <br />4o constr�etion required by �his Contrac�, all improvements lying within public ri�hts-nf-way and <br />4� easemez��s �hal� beco�ne CITY property without f�rther r�otice or action. <br />42 <br />43 I2. Maintenance A�reement. The site contains CITY easernents for saniiary sewer, storrr� sewer, <br />4� ar�d water mair� trunk lines. It sk�a11 be the respon�ibility of the lar�d ovsme�r to keep any easeme��� <br />�5 areas free and cleax a£ itezns that wauld i�ibzt access an the easezne��t. Thzs inc��des but �s not <br />�6 li�nited to struct�res and landseape xnaterials. A�l undex�roun.� arr�enities within the CITY right- <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />