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5.6 Ros�ville's Mi�eci Use B�.tsiness Park land use designatzoz� is defin�d as ".. . a hyb�id of a <br />moYe typical industrial pa�k with office park uses and a rnix of se�vice �etail and housing <br />t�iat tivould seYVe as a nzaYe livable campus setting. It is defined as a geographically <br />identifiable a�ea which contains an architectuYally eonsistent mix of offtce, offtce- <br />l�borato�y, nffice-showYOam--wcrr�housing, �iiotechnical, bio�nedical, high-tech softwcsre <br />and hardwa�e praductian uses with suppo�i service� such as limited �etail, health, <br />fitness, l�dging and fnultifanaily housing. Tl�e Business PrYk has well planned Yoc�ds, <br />utilities, ponding and comnzunication systems. Pa�^cels �vithin a Business Park have <br />acce�s to an inteYnal parkway and/or exte�nal County minoN arte�ials as well as access <br />to the Inte�state ,�lighway Syste�n. Emphasis is plrxced on c�eating a unique, safe and <br />high�quality �vork and play environrneni by installation of extv�aordina�y, a�chitectu�ally <br />distinct buiddings, tran�it and transportation services, sit� planning, envir�onmentally <br />sensitive landscaping, paYks, tYails and lighting." Source: Adopted T�vin Lakes Master. <br />Plan (Tune 2001), �'age 1. <br />5.7 It shnuld I�e noted that staff �raws a distinction between t�xs p�aperty and othex praperties <br />t�at a�e naore i�teriar to t�e Twin Lakes Rede�veloprx�en� Area fnr several reasons: <br />5.7.1 Whi�e t�ae Twin La�es Master Plaza calls for a znix�ure of uses thraugl�out t�e area <br />(as evidenced by rnaps cnntained within the Master Plan showing a nuznber of <br />permutations of uses oz� tnost individual si�es) - a�Z of th.e maps and descrip�ions <br />contazned withi�� the Twin Lakes Business Park Master Plan, identi�y the s�bject <br />properiy soie�v as "Tn�zl�i-£a�ni�y hausing;" <br />5.7.2 The subject property is physically sepaz�ated fra�a the rezxaainc�er of t�e Twin <br />La�es area by rr�ore th� 250 �'eet ni�ark land; <br />5.7.3 Du� to this isalation, the subject property is more abie to rely an single-siie <br />ariented public iz�prove�z�ze�ts (such as roads, water, sanitary s�wer, etc.} rather <br />than being fully inte�rated inta the public ir�provements assoczated with i�e Twin <br />Lal�es Masier �'la� area; <br />5.7.� T�e subject property, in the opin�on of sta�Ff, �as aiways been �viewed as a <br />"trar�sitional" area betr�een the high intensity Twin Lakes area and t�e Iow- <br />der�siiy sin�le-farnzl� residen�ial area to iY�e nort�i. <br />5.$ �pr the reaso�as listed above (in S.7), staff has not r�vievved the application in the sarne <br />con�ext nor io tl�e same standards as we might review applications faar properties znorS <br />i�ter�al ta the Twin Lakes area. As azz �xa:�x�ple, therc is as much {or �er�iaps more) of a <br />need for the site design to provide a transitioi� from �he single-�a�raily neighbar�ood thaz�: <br />to �ollaw strict design �uide�i�es irztez�ded to zza��grate it with the fi.�tr.�e high-intensity <br />uses antieipated in the Twin Lakes area. <br />5.9 Wl�ile fihere is a"Langton Lalce �ar�C Mas�er �'laan" (which includes the subjeci property} <br />that wa� ofi"icially adopted by the Gity Cauncil in 1986, �hat plan is not included in <br />PF07-0{?6_IZCA_�6 i 807 Page 3 of 9 <br />