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Ros�vill�'s Ca�pre�aensive plan. <br />G.0 ZONING/PI,ANNED UNIT T�EVELOPMENT: <br />fi.l The G�N�RAL CC?NCEPT �'LANNED UN�T DEVELO�'MENT is a pracess by whzc� a <br />develo�znent/redevelopmen1 proposal is formally presented in a public hearing to the <br />�'lan�ai�g Co�z�znissioz�, az�d subsequently to t�e City Co��cil, far cans�deratio�. A <br />PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT is a�oning district w�ich may inelude single ar <br />mixed uses, one or �nore lo�s or parcels, intended to creaie a rnore fiexible, cr�ative and <br />e�ficient a�praach ta the use a�the Iand subject tn the procedures, standards, and <br />r�g�latinns contained in the City Code. <br />6.2 The proposal se�ks to rezo�a� the parcel froz�cz zts curr�zat desi�natian of R-1 Si�gle-�azxazly <br />Residential to a PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT wi�h an ��nderlying zoning of S-6, <br />Mixeci Use Busi��ss Park Distriet. Tk�e B-6 Suszness Parlc Dis�rict is desig�ed to pravide <br />a mix of hi�h quality of�'ice, retail and �aulti�taz�ily aresidential uses. <br />6.3 Sectia� 1005.07A siates: A"Mixed Use Business �'a��C" is a redevelap�ent a�rea, i� <br />which the environmental irnpacts of the business park have been analyzed t�rough ar� <br />enviro��enta� inapact state�ent ax szmilar. The impacts are tk�en �nziigateci wzthia� the <br />rec�uireTnents a Plann�d Unit Devclopment as de�ned in Section 1008. Ali parcels sha11 <br />have we11-plaz�r�ed �aads, utilitzes, �aonding and commu�ication systerr�s. �'arcels within a <br />"Mixed Use BusiXless Park" sl�all have access fo an internal parkway and/or external <br />Couniy roads as well as convenient aceess to ihe �niers�ate Hi�hway System. Emphasis <br />shall be placed on creating a�nique, safe and high quali�:y work and play enviranment by <br />installation of extraordinary, axchztect�raily disiinct buildiz�gs, parkways, trarzsit a.nd <br />�ransporiation services, site planning, landscaping, parks, pedestrian �athways, and <br />lzg�atiz�g. <br />6.4 Sectian 1005.07B states: A B-6 district �nay he established after comple�ion and city <br />a��rava� a� a rr�ixed�use master plan for the entire district ar�d cample�ion of any required <br />nr voluntary environmental review such as an Environtnental Impaci Sta�emen� {EISj or <br />Alternate Urban Area Review (AUAR) as clef ned by the Minnesota �nvironm�ntal <br />Q�ality Board r�les. Uses perznitted witlai� a B-6 dzstriet shal� comp�y wzth S�ction 1008 <br />of thi� Cocle by com�leting a Pianned Unii Developmer�t prior to the issuance nf any <br />buildixag per�aaits. T�e P�az�aed U�it Develop�r�eni sha�l i�a.pleanae�t al� z�itigation <br />require�ents o� �he E�S or AUAR a� we�l as Business �'a�r� Design Guidelines a£ Section <br />1010 and subdivision requirernents of Chapter 11 af tl�is Code. <br />6.S Permi�ted Uses, after city approval of a rr�ixed use master �lan anc� com�letion of a <br />Pla�ned Unit Developr.�ent witl�in a�ortion (or allj of the Mixed Use Business Park: <br />■ O�£�ice, busir�ess and profes�io�al. <br />� Medical and dental clinics and labo�atories. <br />■ Hotel a�ad �otel. <br />■ Hospital. <br />P�'07-�06 RCA_061807 Page 4 0� 9 <br />