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� Researc�, designr arad develop�e�€t. <br />■ Banik a�d �na�cial institutioz�s. <br />� Heait� clubs <br />� Resta�arants <br />� Retail sales <br />� Day care c�n�exs <br />■ Parking to acco�czmodat� �ses in a contiguaus z�nixed use business district <br />• Multi-family h4usx�ng. <br />'�.0 S�TE CHARACTERISTICS/DEVELOPMENT PR�P�SAL: <br />7.1 Tlae subj ect propez-ty zs 6.3 S acre propez ty in szze an:d is cuz-�ently plaited as two paircels <br />v,�ith separate, bui re�ated, owners. TY�e site is curren�ly a primarily wooded si�e wit� one <br />siz�gle-fa�zaily xesidenee at its west end. T�ere are partio�s o£ two desig�ated wetla,�ds o�z <br />the site (nne nn the north side of the property includ�s 20,301 sq. ft. of r�retland ar�a on <br />the site and the o�her on the sauth side ine�udes 905 sq. ft. of wetland an the site.) <br />7.2 The proposal seeks to develo� a 4-story elongated 93Tunit age-restricied cooperative <br />housi�g d�velopment locatecl at t�e south end of the site and fava�rxng the east side o� the <br />pro�erty. As currently propos�d the developz�a�ni wo�.ld be accessed from Clevelaxad <br />Av�nue North approximafiely mid�-pQin� between County Roads C2 and D. T�e propased <br />�rimary aceess would serve tiaree purposes; to pravide aec�ss �o a below grade �arking <br />str�c�ure located beneath t�e building, to access a.n at-grade residentJ�uest parking lat, <br />and �a provide access to tl�e adjacent Lang�Qn Lake Park park'rng lot. <br />73 T�e applican�s �ave indicated a willingness to augmen� �he existing trees nn the nnr�h <br />side of their praperty wit� the pla�tir�g a�addit�anai t�ees in a� e££ort to pravide a visua� <br />screen frorn the proposed roaci and developrnent. They �a�re indicated that berrning <br />wauld �e possil�le, but �ot pre�erable, as, it would require the removal af mat�� trees in <br />order tq raise �he surface el�vation. <br />8.0 PUBLIC INFRA.STRUCTURE: <br />S.1 The site vvould include Iandsca�ing and pedestrian canriectian to sider�all�s and trails <br />(thoug� not specfficaliy indicated in the plansj. All site c�etail wou�d z�eed to be <br />consist�nt with the Ro�eville Cit� Cod� and or the Twin Lakes Design Principles. <br />8.2 T}�e propasal could rely an existing public �anitary sewer and waier located within the <br />Clevelancl A�ve��ue r'�ght-of way. Lateral extensio�as �ized apprapriately for each:>use <br />couId l�e extended io the fiinal structure lncation. <br />83 When considering redevelo�ment areas such as Twin Lalces, however, a single <br />r�deve�opznent szte z�us� be conside�red under the context of a laxg�r geographic area. <br />Specz�'ica�ly, watermain throughput Tr�vu� Lakes must be Iao�ed fia elimxnafie dead end <br />lines and passible pressure losses. Such a system relies on good e�'fic'rent design most <br />lz�ely 6eing pro�ided via a la�eral ext�nsion form an improved Twin lakes Parlcway and <br />1'F07-006 ftCA_Ob 1807 Page 5 oi 9 <br />