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nni Cleveland Av�nue. <br />8.4 The Twin La�Ces Redevelopment Area does not rely on a regional starm water <br />inanagea�xze��t system. Eack� szte redeveloprr�er�t, ar a coinhination t�ereof, would be <br />req�ired to creaie and manage its own s�orzn watear accardi�g to City Code az�d t�e Rice <br />Czee� Watexs�ed. Here too, e��'icienci�s az�d bett�r utilization of th� land cai� be achie�ed <br />if cnnsideration is given io a broad�r red�velopment axea a�d p�an. <br />8.S The rernainzng utiiities, such as electxacity, cable, telephone, and naiura� gas, will be <br />designed and coordin.ated t�raugh the �'ublic Works De�aa�-imez�t #a be undergro�nd, and <br />utilize a joini trenching system w�ere app�icable. <br />$.b Staff i� recommending that the proposed acc�ss road be priva�ely constructed to the <br />City's design sta�dards az�d subsequenily dedicated to t�e City. The recommendation is <br />that the road width be 24' except that portian west of the caoperative's parking lot, wher� <br />t�e raad w��ld expand to 32' in width in order to acco�nmodate limited on-street �arking. <br />S.7 A traf�c analysis oithe site wa� conducted by a registered Pro�'essio�zal �n�;ineer (P.E.j. <br />Thzs analysis {attach�d} concludes thaf ap�roximately 1b0 vehicles wi1l enter and e�it ihe <br />si�e each day �vith �o znore t�a� 6 vehzcles entering ar exzting t�e develap�ent during <br />either the a.m. or p.rri. peak traific hours. The Ci�y En�ineer has cnncluded that the <br />existing public road �ystem is rnore t�an adequaie £or absaz�bin� this 1eve� oitraffic. <br />9.0 PARK LAND <br />9.1 Because the pxopear�y is required ta be "xeplatted," park dedxcatipn may be required <br />cqnsistent with State Statutes 462.358 and §2103.07 of the Rnseville City Code. <br />10A STAFF COMMENTS: <br />10.1 On March 6, 2007, th.e �'arks az�d Recreatio� Cozn�aission disc�ssed the appl�cation {see <br />attached rninutes). W�ile t�e Commzssia;� did not ma�e ar�y £arma� recommendation �o <br />eithe� suppart or oppose the p1ar�, they dic� st�ess t�eir position that any developnn.eni �z� <br />this axea acihere to t%e Langto� Lalce I'ark Master �'lan. The Parks and Recreation <br />Carruni�sion revisited ihe issue at t�eir May � meeting, but took na further action at that <br />z�aeeting. Tt zs az�ticipa�ed tha� the �'arks and Recrea�ion Commission will review �he <br />current site plan at their upcoznir�g meeting on Ju�� S. <br />10.2 4r� Ma;rch 7, 2007 the Planning Carr�missian cansidered iwo earlier iteratians af t�iis <br />applica�ion. The ge�earal consens�zs p£the �'lanniz�g Coxaaz�nissio� at t�at tirne was that the <br />prapased use was acceptable, but that a solution tn park access would be :�ecessary <br />be�ore t�eir ��al conszderat�on. <br />10.3 On Marc� 28, 240'7 ihe Developrnent Review Committee (DRC} m�t to review the <br />proposal submitted by United Pro�erties. The DRC concluc�ed tha� in "concept" the <br />submittal io redevelop ihe subjec� proper�y ir�ta an age-restricted cooperative housing <br />developz�r�er�t is a�a�:ropriate and not inconsistent wi�h the Roseville Comprehensive Lane <br />P�'07-OOG_RCA 061807 Page b of 9 <br />