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Residentiai to Planned tJnit I]evefopment {Pl1b) with an �ndertying zonir�g <br />of B-6 Mixed Use Business Park Dis�rict; and DEN[AL of the GI�NERAL <br />CONC�PT P�.ANfdED t�NIT DEVELOPMENT {PtJD}, as prepared fo� the June <br />B, 2U07 Planni�g Commi�sion m�eting by Urtited Properties; based on <br />findings outtined betow; and E�as�d on i�forrr�ation provit�ed in �he Staff <br />Report dated Jun� 6, 20U7. <br />Ayes: 4 <br />Nay�: 1 (Bakeman) <br />Motion to D�NY carried. <br />Chair Baker�tan advised tha� the application would gp before the City Council for <br />eonsideration at fheir June 18, 2007 regu[ar rneefing- <br />Mr. Catey expressed cancern that the a�plicant had not been provided an <br />apportunity for response to th� pub[ic comments; and noted that the developer <br />had fielt �ery challenged by ti�e project, and �ad attempted �o pro�ide mor� <br />transition with tt�e town homes. Mr. Carey opined that the prnject as proposed <br />was suppart�d by staff, ar�d il�at �he a�p[icartt had met all reguirements autlined <br />by staff, as well as aiiempting to be npen with neighbors, b�at things didn't seem <br />to be workit�g oui. Mr. Carey observed that t�e ftose�ille community is <br />eompl�tely built o�t, and there were few oppartt�niiies �o de�elop. Mr. Carey <br />apined �hat it was inc€ambent an the leaders of ihe City to take advantage of <br />opport�nities to serve seniors in the cornmur€ity by providing additiona€ housing <br />opport�nities; and advised that t��y may be retuning wit� this �rapo5al in some <br />forr�, and sough� continued and thoughtful cansideraiinn of it. Mr. Carey <br />ex}�ressed appreciation for �he neighbor comments, and recognized their <br />pr�f�rence that the area rerrtain wonds, ttowever unreaiistic. <br />Commissianers determin�d findings for denial as fallaws: <br />FINDlNGS FOR DEt�IAL <br />No sufficient transition next ta a sir�gle-fiamily n�ighborhnnd; and negaii�e <br />influences from height, scale, and rnass, <br />