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�i�UEST FO�. C�TY COUNC�L A.CT�ON <br />D.l�TE: G/�8/Q7 <br />� ITEM NC]: 10.d <br />De�artme�7t .l�pp�qval Agenda Scc�ion � <br />7,�-�„�,. � S �,P`���� ���t�r�-�----. <br />_......----- <br />Item DesC�iptipn: Rec�uest by Cei�entu�es a�zd l�mwest Develo�inent LLG (in cooperatican <br />with Jak�� Muel�e� �axape�ty aurz�e:r rep�esentative} £a:r a PRELIMINARY <br />PLAT, TZEZON�NG, anc� GENERAI� CO1mTCEPT PLANNED UNIT <br />DEVELOP�ENT to redevelnp the Xtra Lease s-sucl�it�g site, 2700 <br />Clevela�d Avenue, inta a hote� a�d resta�ant (PF07-02�) <br />2 1.0 REQUESTED A�TION: <br />3 1. � Cent Vent�res and A�aa�v,rest Dev�lopzx��nt LLC seel� appraval of a PRELTM�IVARY <br />4 �'LAT, REZONZNG, a�zd GENERAL C4NCEPT PL�NN�D UNZT DEVELOPN�ENT to <br />5 redevelop the Xtra Lease trucking site into a 120 unit hotel and freestar�ding restaurant. <br />6 <br />7 PROJECT REVI�W HIST�RY <br />8 • Applications Subzz�itted: April 6 and Apz-a120, 2Q07. <br />9 • Dete�nnined Co�plete: Aprii 2�, 2(}Q'7 <br />1� • Extended 60-Day Revi�w Deac�line: August 3, 2007 <br />l 1 • Project Reporl Recommendalion: .T�ne 6, 2007. <br />12 • Anticipat�d Planning Commission Action: June b, 2007. <br />13 <br />14 <br />�. s 2.0 <br />� Anticipated City Council Actinn: �une 25, 2007. <br />sUM�Y oF xEcoMMENnAT�o�: <br />16 2.1 The Ci�y Plannex recommends tha� the Flanning Commi�sio� DENY t�e request by Cent <br />17 ven�:ures and Arr�west Developinent LLC based on the absence of specifc and detailed <br />1 S iz�formation necessary ta pz�avide t�e �iannzng Cammxssxa� �d City Council a clear and <br />X� conczse recamrner�da�ion r�garding the app�icants GENERAL C�NCEI'T PLANNED <br />20 [�NIT DEVELOPMENT subnziital. <br />21 <br />22 3.0 <br />23 3.1 <br />24 <br />ZS <br />SUGGESTED ACT��N: <br />BY M4TT4N, DENY tl�e reques� �y Cent Ven�ures and AmWest Develo�ment LLC <br />(see Section 9 and 1(3 fo� deta�led recarn�ae�.dat�on). <br />PF07-021_RCA_061807.doc Page 1 of 11 <br />