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4.0 PROJECT SPEC�FICS: <br />2 4.1 Cent Vent�res and A�zwest Development LLC have subrr�itted a a�plication for <br />3 �'RELIMINARY PLAT, RE70N1NG arid GENER�L CONCEPT PLANNED UNIT <br />4 DEVEL�PMENT per�aining to their desire to redevelop the Xtra Lease paroperly �rom a <br />5 �arme�' truck tenninal in to a 120 room m�lti stozy �otel a��d �reestandi�g 5,OD0 sq. ft. <br />6 restauran�. <br />7 <br />S 4.2 The GENERAL C�NCEPT propnsal se�lcs to place a S,ODO sq. ft. restauxant near the <br />9 so��hwes� corner of the property, place a� story, � 20 unzt hntel near the r�ar (east <br />�� property li�e); �lace parl�izzg adjaeen� �a Cleveland Avenue near the resta�ranti and <br />11 between t�ae r�staurant and hotel, wi�h a small parking field adjace��t ta the Maunt itidge <br />12 Road rig�t-of-way; and construct a temporary rzg�t-zzalrig�t-aut in tlae northwest corner of <br />l 3 �he parcel. A pern�a�e�.t access wou�d be canstruc�ed when Twiil Lakes Parkrniay is <br />�4 comple�ed along the southern boundary or ti�e subject parcel. <br />15 <br />16 4.3 The Xtra Lease �arcel, 2700 Ci�vela�d Avenue, �ies withi� the Twin Lakes <br />17 Redeveiopment Area. The property has a Coznprehensive Lat�d Use designation of <br />18 Busi�aes� �'ark and an existir�g zaning designatiion oP Ge�eral Ind�striai (I-2}. <br />19 <br />24 5.0 LAl�I] USE/COMPRE�ENSIVE P��A.N: <br />2� 5.1 TI�e City of Rosevil�e's Ca�apxe�e�sive Plan currently d�signates the subject area as "B�'- <br />22 B�siness �'ark.'" ��ut�ermore, the Minne�ata Court of Appeals' �ugust l0, 2QOfi xulzng <br />23 caz�cluded that the City furiher ame�rded tl�e Coz�pre�enszve Plan ta refl�ct the Twin <br />24 Lakes F3usiness Par� Master �'lan (attack�ed as Exhibit A) in 2001. The Mas�er Plan <br />25 s�ecifically stat�s: "[tk�zs] z�ew �naster plan amendrr�ent ai 2001 will desi�na�e t�e a�reas as <br />26 "BP" — Buszness Paric." T�e 2001 Master Plan also zncludes fo�ar �'uture land-use maps <br />27 ("Options 2, 3 and �" ar�d the "Twiz� Lakes AUAR �'uture Land Use Seenario") and <br />28 several pages of text deserzbing �'uture land�use �cenarios and goals. <br />29 <br />30 S.2 Sia��'l�as concluded (with the input af tl�e City Attorney's Of�ce), that the �nderlying <br />31 Comprehensive Plan d�signaiion of tl�e subjec� area is "BP — Busi�ess �'ark" zn a manner <br />32 tl�at is canc�ptually consistent wit� ��e z�nix o�uses ar�d stated goals that are described in <br />33 the maps and text af �he 2001 Mast�r Plan. <br />34 <br />35 S.3 The uses envisioned wiihin the Com.pre�ensive �'�ax� designatio� o�"BP �- Susiness Par�C" <br />36 include: of�ice, office-laboxatozy, o�£'ice-showroom-ware�ousing, %io-technical, <br />37 l�iomedical, high-teeh saftware and hardware �roductio� uses vvith support sezvzces such <br />38 as Iiznited re�ail, health, �itness, loc�gi�1� and zzaultifar�aily housi�g. Wk�i�e not speci�cally <br />39 Iisted, it is pres�.uned tha� "support services" would include a resiaurant, s�ecifically a,�ii- <br />40 down variety and z�ot fast-food. <br />41 <br />42 <br />43 <br />44 <br />45 <br />46 <br />PF07-021_RCA_0618a7 1'age 2 of � 1 <br />