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5.4 <br />2 <br />� <br />6 <br />7 <br />8 <br />9 <br />10 <br />11 <br />12 <br />13 <br />14 <br />15 <br />16 S.S <br />17 <br />18 <br />� � �.a <br />Rosevi�le's Mix�d Use Business Park land use designation is cleiined as "... a hyb�id of a <br />mo�e typical industria2 pa�k �vith office park uses and a mix of servrce �etail and housing <br />that wauZd serve as a rnore livable canapus settir�g. �t is defined as c� geog�aphically <br />identifiahle aYea which contains an a�chitecturally consistent rytix of office, office- <br />labo�ato�y, office-showraom-wa�ehousing, biotechnical, biornedical, high�tech software <br />and haNdwa�e p�oductio� uses with suppo�t se�vices such as linaited �etail, healtlz, fitness, <br />lodging and multifamily housing. The Business Parlc has rvell planned roads, utilities, <br />ponding and co�tmunication ,sy,stems. PaYCels within a l3usiness Park have aceess to an <br />inte�-nal parkway and/o� exte�nal County rninor arterials a,s well as access to the <br />Inte�state Highway Systern. Emphasis is pZaced on c�eating a unique, safe �nd high- <br />quaZity wo�k and play envi�onment by installation of extYaoYdinary, architectu�ally <br />dislinct buildings, transit and tNanspo�^tation se�^vices, site planning, environmentally <br />sen,sitive landscapin�, pa�ks, trails and lighting." Source: Adopt�d Twin Lakes Master <br />�'ian (June 2Q01), I'age 1. <br />Tncluclec� in the Strategies ouilined in the Twin �alces Busit�ess �'ark Master Plan i� the <br />follo�ring: "Requir� red�velopm�eut i� gl�ases with a number af parcels at one �iine." <br />ZONTNG/PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: <br />20 6.1 The GENERAL CONCEPT PLANNED UNTT DEVELOPMENT is a proce�s by whic� a <br />21 development/redevelopment proposal is foa°z�al�y p�esented i� a�ublic �earing to the <br />22 Plannin.g Coznz�a�issio� far cons�de�ration, A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT is a <br />23 zoning d�strict which may include single or mixed uses, ane nr mnre lo�s or parcels, <br />24 intended to crea�e a more flexil�l�, c;reative and efficient approac�a to t�e u�e o�t�e �arad <br />25 subject to tne procedures, standaz�ds, and reg�zlatians caz�#ained in t�� City Code. <br />26 <br />2"i 6.2 <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />32 <br />33 <br />34 <br />35 <br />The propo�al seeks to rezane �he parcel �rorr� its current designation of I-2, General <br />Industrial ta a PLANNED �[JJNIT DEVELOPMENT with a�n underlying zonin� of B-6, <br />Mixed Use Business Park District. The B-6 Business Parl� Dis�rict zs desiga�ec� ta ��ovide <br />a high quality office, cli�ic, �otel, and researrc� eoz�plex wirtk� multiple stari�s. Because <br />t�e i�te�t is to c�'eate fall and dense of�ee 1;ower�, ihere is no height limit in �his district. <br />Tl�is district is norrnally located adjacent to and is visible fram state or ca�z�ty roads. T�e <br />B-6 Business Park District is intez�ded for selected areas designated as B Business area <br />within tl�e Comprehensive �'lan. <br />36 6.3 Sectian 1005.07A s�ates: A"Mixed Use Busin�ss Parlc" is a redevelopment area, i�z <br />3'7 wl�ich tl�� environmental impaets of the business park l�ave been a��alyzed �hrough an <br />3S environmental impact state�aeni or siz�ilax. The impacts axe t�e� mitigated r�vithin lhe <br />39 require�aents a�'�az�ned Unit Developrr�ent as def ne� in Secfiion 1008. All parceXs sha11 <br />40 hav� well-plann�d roads, utilities, pnndin� and corr�rr�unica�i�n syste�s. Parcels within a <br />41 "Mixed Use Susiness Par�" shall h.ave access to aza inier�al parkway and/t�r exte�aal <br />42 Caunty roads as well as convez�ien� acc�ss ta the �nt�rstate Highway System. Emphasis <br />43 s�all �ae p�aced on crea�ing a unique, safe and high quaiity work and �lay environment by <br />44 installatian of extraordinary, architec�urally distinct bui�dings, par�ways, txaz�sit a�d <br />45 transpor�ation serviees, �ite planning, landscaping, parks, pedestrian pathwa�s, arzd <br />46 lig%iing. <br />PFt17-�2i_RCA_06I807 Page 3 0� l 1 <br />