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1 <br />2 <br />3 <br />� <br />5 <br />6 <br />7 <br />8 <br />9 <br />10 <br />X1 <br />i2 <br />13 <br />14 <br />15 <br />16 <br />I7 <br />18 <br />19 <br />2Q <br />Z1 <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />2S <br />26 <br />z� <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />3l <br />32 <br />33 <br />34 <br />35 <br />36 <br />37 <br />3$ <br />39 <br />40 <br />4� <br />42 <br />43 <br />44 <br />45 <br />46 <br />4�7 <br />6.4 Section 1005.07B states: A B�6 distriet tr�ay bc establislaed after com.pletion and city <br />approval af a zni�ed-use �naste� p�an �o� tl�e entire district a�d con�pletion of any required <br />or vo�untary environmeirtal review such as an Ercvirontnental 7mpac� Statement (EIS) or <br />Alternate Urban Area Review (AUAR) as dcfined by th� Minnesata Enviranmental <br />Quali�:y Board rules. Uses per�itted within a B-6 distric� s�iall co�nply with Section � 008 <br />of this Code �y eQmpleti��g a�'lan�ed Unit Develapnr�ent pxiar to the issuance a�any <br />�uildz��g pe�its. The k'lanned Unit Developm�nt shall implement all miiiga�ion <br />requirements ofi the EIS or AUAR as well as Business Park Design Guidelines o�' �ection <br />1010 a�d subdi�vision requireznents of Chapt�r 1� o:f tk�is Code. <br />E.5 <br />�.o <br />�'ermitted Uses, after city a��roval of a mixecl use rnaster plan and comple�ior� of a <br />Planne� Unit Develnpment �rit�ii� a por�ion {or alI) af th� Mixed Us� Busii�e�s Park: <br />■ Office, business and professianal. <br />� Medical az�d dental ciir�ics and laboratories. <br />� Hotel and molel. <br />� F�ospital. <br />■ Research, de�ign and �evelopzxaez�t. <br />■ Baa�c and f nanciai insfiitutions. <br />� Health clubs <br />� Restaurants <br />■ Retail sales <br />� Day care centers <br />■ Parki�g to aceort��odate uses in a contiguo�s mixed use buszness district <br />� Mul�i-family housing. <br />DEVEL(�PMENT PRC�PC35AL: <br />HOTEL <br />7.1 The site is rectangular with of�icially mapped Twin Lakes Parkway to tl�e south ar�d <br />exi��ing righ�-of way inr Mnunt Ridge Road to the east. The �roposa� seeks �o utilize <br />Cleveland Ave�.ue for �riz�,ary access �atil such ti�e as Twz�a Lakes Pa�rkway xs <br />cQ�stzucted. T�e propased site design places the hotel at the rear (east) of ihe pareel in a <br />"L" configura�inn. The entrance to t�e structure faces east and includes snrne par�Cing on <br />the east side of th� building as w�l� as a pool. A�art�er�y drive lane coz�nect� tl�e larger <br />parking field on the west with tlie hotel entranee. <br />7.2 Tk�e l�aiel is �roposed at 120 units and compris�� 4� stories. �ts design includes solne <br />features that attempt to break-up �he building/wall rnassin�, incl�ding jogs/revea�s a�nd <br />dormers. Though no� speci�eaily stated, znate�ials appear to i�clude rock/stone, lap <br />siding azact sttzcco/��'IS. The strueture is se# back in a manner consisfeni with similar <br />commercial developments. <br />73 At a May 24, 2007 zneetiz�g wiih staf£ a�ad a desig� e�pez� assisting ihe city, t�e applicant <br />has indieated ihai the hotel would have "brandiz�g" req�ire�xaents �hai nr�ay dictate the site <br />and building design t�at �ie can pra�ose. <br />1'F07-021_ACA_E361807 Page 4 of l 1 <br />