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�16I2�Ci7 <br />Genera� i.ocafion of the exisfing s�reet ar�d ivirin Lak�s Parkway ar� shown <br />on the a�fiached drawings: <br />1. 7he Ciiy's �fficially Ma�ped Twin Lak�s P�rkway is proposed fio b� a B <br />minor ar�eria!! callectar . The Qfficia(ly Mapped location of th� 7win Lak�s <br />Parkway is shown on the attached plans, <br />2. Cleveland Av�nue borders the site. Cleveland Avenue (Caunky S#ate Aid <br />Highway 48) is a faur-�ane €�ndivided nartl�-sauth arterial at the western <br />end of th� site. C�rrenf traffic v4lurr�es are 11,20� ADT.� <br />Cleveiand Av�nue i� the eas� froniage road ofi I 35W. A°righ# in- right nut„ <br />turn is the prc�pos�d access to this sit� frnm C[eveland. The sife access <br />fi�om Clevel�nd Auenue wifl be 29ti #eet north af the intersection of <br />Clevefand Ave and the propased Twir� Lakes �arkway. Aithough this "right <br />in- right aut" is optional and subject to Cour�ty approval, it wnuld help, but <br />is not necessary for internal circulaiion, once Tw�n l.akes Parkway is <br />canstructed. <br />Gen�ral locafiion of non-residentiaf land uses: <br />A!1 af the proposed uses are non-residen#ial. The attached Site Pian pra�ides <br />location af the haiel and restauran�. Th� propased hotel and restaurant Floor <br />Area Ratia (�AR) is �.53. This is substar�tia[ly less than t�e City allnwed .75 FAR. <br />The Open space is 49,859 square feei or 3�% of the sfte area. This is <br />substan#ially mare fhan �he 25% requir�d by City God�. <br />Stag�ng Time Schedule of �evelapment: <br />Construction is pianned to start within 4 manihs af Final PUD and B�ilding p�rmit <br />approval. lt is estimated t�af constructinn will tak� 12 months v�aith a Hotsl <br />opening at the end of this period. <br />[mpaci on Traffic. <br />ff Twin Lak�s Parkway were construcfed as proposed in the AUAR as a <br />continuous rvadway cannecting Cleveland Ave to Snellir�g Aven�e, daily <br />volumes on the parkway wo�aid be abaut 15,000 vet�ic[es per day.,,3 <br />The 120-roam hotel ger�erates abaut 1,236 �ehicEe trips per day4. The 125 seat <br />restauran� is expecfed to generate about �5� vehicle firips per day. T}�e total <br />estimated traffc is ex�eeted ta be �,386 �ehicie trips per day. The Offic�l Reiail/ <br />' Comprehensi�e F'lan Twir� Lakes Master Plan <br />2 5RF Traffic Revi�;w Mernorand�m io John Stark November 17, 2006 (�R�' 0f365895) <br />a S�iF' Tra#fic Review Mernorandum to John Stark lVovember 17, 20Q6 (SRF (3Q6689b} <br />° I�'E irip Generation Manual <br />4 <br />