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4i6l20Q7 <br />{��staurani cornpl�x proposed ir� the farmer PUD wauld g�r�erat� a�proxima�eiy <br />1476 u�hicl� trips per day�, <br />The SRF �raffic m�marandurn i�dicates that the valurt�te of �raffic in th� r�vised <br />City's Master Plan would generate up to � 1,022 vehicles per day on �wit� Lak�s <br />Parkway. T�e proposed HotellRestaurant wauld generafe about 9,386 v�hieles <br />per day. Four lane Cle��lar�d Avenue is d�sign to acCOmmadafie this �r�crease in <br />traffic. It is presum�d, ba��� on t�� previous Twin Lak�s ParCcway design, thai <br />TwEn Lakes Parkway would b� designed to accommodate t�is additianal increase <br />in traffic. <br />�mpact on �arks, 5treets, and other �acilities: <br />Tt��: impaci nn th� str�ets is discussed in tha traffc impac�s. Starm water <br />management is fo be address as part of the �nal PUD d��elopment plan. T�e <br />cancept plan provides informat�on as to the locatian of the proposed storm waier <br />pond and storm water system. <br />Campatibi[ity of the site plan ir�terr�al traffic circulation, landscapir�g and <br />str�ctures w�th co��iguous Properties: <br />The access �o Cfe�eland Aven€�e is proposed io be temporary with permanent <br />access from Twir� Lakes Parkway wher� �hat street is constructed. TF�e acaess to <br />Cfeveland A�enue wiE! b� right in ar�d rigE�t ou�. The access �o the f��ure Twin <br />Lakes Parkway is located abo�t 2'76 feet firor� the inters�ction o� the futurs Twin <br />Lalces �arkway and Cleueland A�enue. <br />Landscaping is being done as per city requirernenfs. There is rnore open space <br />thar� required by the City and the Floor Area RatiQ is fess ihan allowed by f1�e <br />City. The Comprehensive Plan and th� propos�d zaning indicate iha� the <br />ha#eilres#aurant use is a compatible land use in a planned business park. <br />Impact of the Use on the Market Vafue nf Contiguous Praperti�s: <br />We expect th� hot�l and res#aurant to have a market value of $18,QOQ,(}00. A <br />qualiiy hote[ on this site wiil probably increase the mark�i valu� of ihe <br />s�rrraundir�g uses by increasing the vitality of the business park. <br />Impac� on the genera[ public hea�tl� saf�ty and w�lfare: <br />Add'mg the hatel realizes the goals af the City's Comprehensive Plan. The <br />i�atel/restaurant will probab6y add rr�are vafue ta the red�v�Eapm�nt area than the <br />previously apprnved o�c� /r�staurar�tlr�taif. There is mare open �pace and the <br />traffc Empacts ar� about the same as the afFicelretaillrestaurar�t previous(y <br />ap�ro�ed. TF�e traffie access plar� is essentially the same, as previously <br />approved, so public safiety is nnt jenpardiz�d�. <br />$ IT� Trip G�neratinn Manual <br />s Th� right in right oui on Cle�efa€�d Ave. can be elirninated ai th� request of the City or ihe <br />County without imp�d'sng traffic circulatian onee Twin Lakes Par3cway is construcied. <br />� <br />