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]E�E��EST FOR CI'I"Y CO�J�TC��.., ACT�C��T <br />DATE: OG/�S/07 <br />�TEM N4: IO.h <br />Depattment Ap��oval: Cit�y Ma��e� Appr�val: ` Agenda Sectinn: <br />Ttein Dese�p�on: Consid��ation of a R�S�OLUTION approving. a CONDITIQNAL USE <br />PERIVI�T for Rosedal� Co��a�o�s LP ta a�ow PetSmart in th� fnrrne� <br />Co�p USA te�zant space at Rosedale Commons Sho�ping Center 24�80 <br />Fa�view livenue PFO'1-026. <br />z �.0 REQUESTED ACTTOT�': <br />3 1.1 Rosedale Commo�s LP seeks approval of a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT fio allow <br />4 �'etSmart wiYhin �h� former Comp USA tenai�t space at Roseda.le Cammons Shopping <br />4 Cenfer Section 1005.015 (Business Uses and Zpning Districts} indicates pet and pe� <br />� supply store as a C4ND�T�4NAL USE in a Shop�ing Cer�ter District. <br />� <br />8 <br />� <br />t� <br />�� <br />i7 <br />13 <br />�4 <br />1.2 The conditional use �ermi� pracess (� 1Q13) allows t�e City to eonsider <br />com�a�ibility r�ith adjai�aing praperties; impacts on tra��c, �ublic facilities, azad prapezty <br />values; izx�pact on t�e general p�blic health, sa%ty, and welfare; a�ad ca�patibility with <br />the City's camprahensive �Ian. The pracess also alIows the City to impose those <br />conditions it cor�siders necessary to protect the �eneral public heal�h, sa£ety, and weliare. <br />PROJECT REVIEW HISTQRY <br />� 5 e Appl�cation Subrnitted: May 4, 2007. <br />�� • De�ermined Complete: May 4, 2007. <br />i � • 50-Day Review Deadline: July 3, 2007. <br />t�; • Projec� Re�nrt Reco�endation: J'une 6, 200'7. <br />� 9 • Anticipa�ed P�a�ani�ag Coz�n�issian Aetio�: June 6, 2007. <br />20 • Arxticipated Ciiy Cpunczl Action: June 1 S, 2007. <br />?1 <br />z2 2.Q SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATI�N: <br />23 2.1 On June 6, ZQQ7 th� Rosevili� Planning Commission held the pub�ic hearing regarding <br />?� tk�e �'etSmart request. The Commission voted (6-0) to support the xec�uested <br />zs COND�TI4NAL USE PERMXT with modi�ed cpnditions. Tkze �'lanning Divisian <br />26 conc�r� with ihe recorn�nendation of t�e �'1a�nzng Cammissian. <br />27 <br />z8 3.0 SUGGESTED ACTT4N: <br />2� 3.1 ADOPT a RES�LU'�'��1�T APPROV�NG a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT <br />3o w/conditio�s (see Section 7 for detailsj. <br />PF07-026_RCA_OG 1&Q7.doe Page 1 of 4 <br />