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1 4.0 PROPOSAL REVTEW: <br />? �.1 Rasedale Cammor�s Shopping Center has a Coinprehensive Land Use Map and 7oning <br />� map designatian of SC, Shopping Center. The Address Map Book distributed �y the <br />� Co�r�rnunity Developme�t Departnaez�i zndica�es �ae praperty is za�ed �'lanneci. Uni� <br />� Deve�apzza.e�t, hawever Plazaning Staff review of historical docurr�ents concludes �:hat �he <br />6 property is incorrectly iden�ifiet� arzd is actually zoned Shopping Center District (Februaxy <br />� 11, 1955, Ordinance No. 967). <br />9 4.2 The propert� owner, Rosedale Co�mans LP, seeks ap�roval iar a"pet and pet su�ply <br />1 o staz'e" wi�k�i� Rasedale Ca�nmons Shopping Center. Corr�p USA has or will be vacating <br />>> their tenan� s�ace within the Center and PetSmart desires to oceupy the 25,870 sq. ft. <br />� 2 space and operate a facility which would include a pe�: and pet supply re1 ai1 area, <br />� 3 vetez�ina�y �ealt� araa, pet �otel/do�;gie day care, grooming area and training area. <br />t� <br />�s 5.a <br />�s 6.1 <br />�� <br />�8 <br />19 <br />?o <br />?� <br />22 <br />?3 <br />?4 <br />25 <br />26 <br />REV�EW o� COND�T�UNAL USE PERMIT: <br />�ection 1 Q 13.01 requires the Ciiy to consider the following crit�ria when reviewing a <br />Conditional Use �'eara�it: <br />ae ��pact an tra££'ic <br />b. ��apacts a� parks, streets ar�d other public faciliti�s <br />c. Coz�apatibility a£ tlne sxte plan, internal carculatian, la�dseaping and str�zctcire with <br />eontiguous properties <br />d. Impact of the use on �narket value of conti�uou� properties <br />e. Iz�pact o� the general public health, �afety and welfare <br />f. Compatibilily with the City's Co�npre�ensive Plan <br />27 5.2 Because the subject sit� is an ex'rstir�g retail center wiih ample parking, established <br />2s ingress/egress, and other site 'improverr�er�is required whe� ihe Cen.ter was inztia�ly <br />29 approved by tl�e City (:�anuazy l�, l 98S) a.�c� �ecause no site.i�p�ovezne�nts are req�es#ed <br />�4 nor �'equired �or Pet�mart to occ�py t�e premis��, the City Planner has determined that <br />3� review fl� such a request is unique in �he context o�' COND�TTONAL U�E PERMTT <br />32 criteria. F�rther, tk�e pote�atial iznpacts af the Cezztear far outweigh tkzose o£ a single use <br />33 suc� as �'etStnart. Tha# bei�g said, staif has reviewed/analyzed the propasal u�ilizing the <br />34 criteria af Sec�ion 1013.01 ofi the Ci�y Code. <br />a5 <br />a6 S.3 T�rafffc. Tk�e DRC has conclud�d tha� th� irnpacis ereat�d by a chang� in use (computer <br />:�� store to a pet store} would be negligible. Our e�perience is that these �ses (former aand <br />38 pro�osedj generate sz�ailar volu,zne� and peak hour z�aove�ae�.ts. T�at bei�zg sazd the 2Q04�, <br />39 Average Da�ly Traffic {ADT) on County Road B2 was 1$,1 QO and qn Fairview Avenue it <br />40 was 15,500. <br />�� <br />42 <br />4i <br />4� <br />PF07-�26_RCA_06l 807.doc �'age 2 of 4 <br />