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R.egu�ar C�iy Cou�c�l N[ee$��ag <br />Mo�d��, �"u�y 23, 20Q7 <br />]Pag� 50 <br />1 mendaiion for �he applicant to request a voluntary extension to awaii <br />2 completion af the A�AR Update. <br />3 <br />4 Mr. Pasehke advised that completion of the AUAR had always been <br />5 on the table for the applicant; however, noted the unwillingness of the <br />6 applican� �o do so. Mr. Pasehk� noied that, wheiher the City requests <br />7 completzon o� a discretzonary EAW, s�a�f remains on record asking <br />8 that the Ciiy Council require the applicant �o camplete a d'zscretionary <br />9 EAW, as pari o� the reco�d �om th� July 2�, 2007 regular City Coun- <br />10 eil meeiing. Mx. Paschke updated the Ci�y Council that, %l�owing its <br />11 review of �he document, sta�f had accep�ed the applicant's trafifzc <br />12 study recently submx�ted; ha�wever continued to point �:o issues em- <br />13 bedded within Section I k.1.A of the sta�f repa�-t. <br />14 <br />15 Councilmember Ihlan opined that i� the Czty orde�ed the environ- <br />16 mental review, it wou�d stop the development clnck; otherwise, staf�'s <br />17 arecommendation would be �or �he Council �o c�eny �he case on merits <br />18 wi�hou� ihe oppor�unity ta ge� information detex�nined needed by s�a££, <br />I9 and whether �hat in�or�nation was �cadi�y avai�able. <br />20 <br />2�. Mayo�- K�ausing notec� the benefts in awaiting update o� the AUAR to <br />22 kiave an analysis of �nvironmenta� impacts addressed �'o� �he ent��e <br />23 Twin Lakes developmeni axea, rather than on a projec�-w�de basis, to <br />24 allow far averall mitigation strategies. Mayor Klausing opined his <br />25 preference o� �he AUAR update, already in proeess, <br />26 <br />2� Counci�me�nbear Pust sought clarification that the applicant was not <br />2S suppo�ive of the City Council requiring an EAW due to �iming re- <br />29 lated to his property purehase not supporting such a time£rame. <br />30 <br />31 Jvhn L�vingston, App�icant <br />32 Mr. Livingston advised �ha� he had no provzs�on in h�s pend�ng Pur- <br />33 chase Agreement �hat wou�d al�ow him suff cient iime to comp�ete an <br />34� EAW without further negot�ations with the seller. <br />35 <br />35 Councilmember Ro� obs�rved that ii was conceivable that the AUAR <br />37 Update process wou�d be comp�eted in mid Ociober, wel� within the <br />38 �imeframe that an EAW would require. <br />39 <br />