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l The first component is to define the planning process. Informational presentations <br />2 describing the planning process are given at the Planning Commission meetings and at <br />3 committee, Commission, and Board public meetings. <br />4 In the second component the Planning Commission may also recruit additional plan <br />5 review members to join existing commissions or committees as "working committees" <br />6 focused on key issues. Members of other citizen commissions such as the Public Works <br />? Commission, HRA. and Parks & Recreation Commission will be asked to create such <br />8 working committees and invite the City Council to participate as well. <br />9 A meeting will be hosted by tl�e Planning Commission Chair with the committee chairs to <br />1 p review the process and explain what to expect and how to use the "working committees" <br />11 to gain the most insight. The public participation methods used in this component are: <br />12 citizen comprehensive planning "working committees", participation at planning <br />] 3 commission meetings and informational meetings, written comment, newspaper, <br />14 informational presentations at local organization meetings, informational brochures, and <br />15 a City of Roseville web site ad feedback email on comprehensive planning. <br />] 6 The committees will look at area demographics, natural resources, historical resources, <br />17 and cultural resources, transportation statistics, and other background information. <br />18 The City Council will be asked to decide the method and format for gathering resident <br />19 comment. One possibility is a local resident and property owner survey, another is a <br />2o series of neighborhood meetings. <br />21 The third component is New Issue Identification and Visioning. This is the larger, <br />22 Council driven perspective which answers — what are the maj or issues and course of <br />23 direction the community should take in the next 10 years. If the Council decides to not <br />24 do, visioning, a survey, or neighborhood meetings to gather input, the Planning <br />25 Commission and City Council will use existing data and infonnatian from the previous <br />26 component "working committees" to identify the new issues and opportunities in <br />27 Roseville and surrounding areas. <br />2g Goals, Objectives, and Policies for each issue area will be developed during the fourth <br />29 component of the planning process. The Commissions and Boards will create and <br />30 recommend some area-wide goals (as well as specific topic or section goals), objectives, <br />31 and perhaps some common strategies in the fourth component. Each issue area (e.g. <br />32 housing, transportation, etc) has goals and policies that are reviewed and expanded upon, <br />33 retained, modified, or deleted. <br />34 In the fifth component, Recommendations and Implementation Strategies, is used to <br />35 implement the goals, objectives, and policies. A final Sectio��(�1 �) will be added to the <br />36 Plan. <br />37 As each of the Sections is completed by the Commissions and Boards, then reviewed and <br />38 recommended by the Planning Commission, it will be presented to the City Council for <br />� <br />