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I hand, but will be discouraged from straying from the agenda to bring up issues that were <br />} covered at previous meetings. An announcement of every meeting is sent to the local <br />� newspapers. In addition, agendas are posted at City Hall and on the Roseville Web Site <br />_=� Open Houses I Public Comment Meetings <br />� In addition to participating in the regular meetings to develop the plan, the public is <br />� invited to attend open houses or public comment meetings at key points in the process. At <br />. these meetings a brief summary of the plan to date will be given and the public will he <br />i� given an opportunity to comment on the plan to the planning committee. These meetings <br />t� will take place as each of the components identified in the process are near completion, as <br />i�� well as, prior to the public hearing upon the completion of the plan. The public comment <br />i�i meeting or open house will take place at regular Planning Commission and City Council <br />1 } meetings. <br />i= Written Comment <br />�� Written comment will be taken throughout the process either on paper or electronically. <br />1� Comments maybe sent to th� City Planner or staff inember, the same process used for all <br />�� City of Roseville land use hearings. Copies of all comments will be given to the plan�ing <br />�'� committee. A staff inernber will respond by acknowledge receipt of the written comments <br />�� at a municipal meeting or in writing and that the comment has been shared with the <br />9� planning committee chair or city council. <br />=�� Public Hearing <br />�: A formal public hearing will be held by the Planning Commission and City Council in <br />�- accordance to Minnesota Statute 462355 prior to the city council adopting the <br />" comprehensive plan. Notice of the adoption hearing will be published in the official <br />�•� newspaper of the City of Roseville and placed on the web site at least 30 days prior to the <br />'� puhlic hearing. The notice will include 1) the date, time, and place of the public hearing, <br />�� 2) a brief summary of the comprehensive plan or changes thereto, 3) a contact <br />-�r information, and 4) where the plan can be viewed. Notice will also be given lo all units of <br />?t� government adjoining or within the City of Roseville, and the Metropolitan Council as <br />=� required by Minnesota Statute 473. <br />•-� Community Survey or Neighborhood Meetings <br />t l The city may utilize a mailed or phone survey to residents a�d/o� property owners <br />�� statistically valid sample number of them. Residents and/or property owners will be <br />?� asked a series of questions to determine their values, preferences, and opinions about the <br />�a city. The survey results will be used to assist in creation of the plan. (As an alternative the <br />!; planning committee may hold and summarize a series of public neighborhood meetings.) <br />5 <br />