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I Attachment A <br />�? Proposed Housing Maintenance Code <br />; November 28, 2005 <br />� 7:04 p.m. <br />� <br />� The following is a summary of the public hearing comments and questions with <br />� staff responses in italics. <br />� <br />�� 1. Would like t o see a grid comparing the existing codes with the proposed <br />� �� IPMC. Staff Response - A comparison of the IPNtC, 2003 edition and the <br />I 1 existing City Code is provided in Attachment B or Council Report fo r <br />] ? 12/19/05. <br />1.� <br />I� 2. Would there still be a benefit to doing the housing maintenanceordinance <br />I� without the rental ordinance? StaffResponse- Yes, butinspectionstaffstill <br />]� believes there is va/ue in a rental licensing ordinance which is current/y being <br />��: revised for further review on January 30, 2006. The issues o f housing <br />�� mointenonce and /ack of a housing maintenance code to address issues has <br />1�� been studies and discussed for the past 10years for all properties. <br />��� <br />:! I 3. Housing maintenance code is very much needed - existing codes are outdated. <br />i, Staff Response - Yes, however the rental issues will still remain. The IP. M. C <br />�3 simp/ybetterdefines whatismeantby �naintenance'andspecifically <br />��a addresses critica/ maintenance issues. For examp/e, a new car comes with a <br />�.� small manua/ that specifies required maintenance. Mechanics use a much <br />=�� bigger/thicker maintenance manual. Their manua/ does nat require more <br />�- maintenance; it,jus� better exp/ains and describes required maintenance. <br />::� Same with the I,P.M.C,, it better describes what is meantby maintenance. <br />��� With housing stock up to 50 years o/d, this is becoming a more significant and <br />�t�� necessaryissue with each passing year. Un/ess the overall housing stock is <br />�� maintained, property va/ues will not keep up with surrounding cities and/or <br />�f. inf/ation, property owners will /oose appreciation va/ue, and property tax <br />� � receipts will lag. <br />?� <br />�� 4. I sn't existing property - both rental and ownership - covered under existing <br />�n state laws and Raseville codes? Staff Response - Yes, butstate /aw tends to <br />;^ be verygeneral in scope and does not provide adequateguidance to the <br />��? property owners and inspectors. Roseville has not adopted a specific housing <br />?�� maintenance ordinance, nor has a specific rental licensing ordinance been <br />�I�:� adopted Some of the itemsare be coveredunderexisting codesbut they <br />