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1 ere not cleer, they do not use contemporary language, and they are not broad <br />? enough nor sufficiently descriptive to provide instruction and regulation to <br />; property owners or codes s ta ff Existing language is difficul t and nat <br />� organized properly t� administer fo r corrections. I n addition, codes s ta ff <br />� doesnot have the authority to inspect any (rental or owner occupied) <br />� properties for internal code violofions - even when there is a complaint. <br />� <br />� 5. Would like to see stronger codes that are enforceable and should deal with <br />�� abandoned swimming pools. S ta ff Response - This is an example o f how the <br />I i� more specific provisions of the IPNtCcan help reso/ve issues. The IPrL1C" <br />1: prohibits the accumulation o f stagnant water; our current code is simply <br />1� vague on this issue. With the IPMC in effect, we could address this complaint <br />I 5 by requiring the removal of the objectionable element - the stagnant water. <br />I� With our existing City Code, the property owner who complained o f the <br />1� stagnan�- water on their neighbor's property was told there was nothing the <br />� r; City could do. <br />I? <br />1� 6. Would new building codes be required for older buildings such as electrical & <br />;�� smoke detectors? Staff Response - The IPMCrequiresallproperties <br />; tf (single-family, rentals, business) ta be maintained in compliance with the <br />�' building code in effect when the property was 6uil�, it doesnot require <br />,�� properties be upgraded to new/existing codes. There are a few exceptions <br />�?_3 (mainly life-sa fety protections) that wouldapply to rental units only; smoke <br />�-G detectors (battery} and exteriorground-fault outlets must be provided <br />±� A/so, insect screens must be provided for renters and building heot must be <br />��� provided Sepf 30th tv May Ist - a common complaint we now receive. They <br />�}�� would notbe required unlessit wasa life Isafety issues Smoke detectors <br />;� (even ba ttery operated) in bedrooms are a State law provide (At a minimal <br />��� cost) a huge safety benefit. Each issue would be evaluated based upon cos� <br />;�� verse benefit and safety issue. <br />;� <br />.5? Staff Summary Comment - Property maintenance will be an increasingly <br />�.-� importont issue for maintaining property values and tax base with an aging <br />��� community. The IPN1C is a nationally recognized standard tha t does �vt require <br />�;� upgrades to existing housing stock (except for rental property} and would be a <br />.;f7 very useful tool addressing those inevitable sporadic properties that are not <br />.}? properly maintained and would otherwise end up depressing surrounding property <br />� � values. <br />� <br />