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� <br />CHAPTER 2 <br />DEFINITIONS <br />SECTION 201 <br />GENERAL <br />2011 Scope. Unless otherwise expressly stated, the following <br />terms shall, for the purposes of this code, have the meanings <br />shown in this chapter. <br />2Q1.2Interchangeabili#y. Words stated in thepresent tetYSe in- <br />du(� the future; words stated in the masculine gender include <br />the feminine and neuter, the singular number includes the p�u- <br />raE and the plural, the singular. <br />201.3 Terms defined in other codes. Where te�-rtis are not de- <br />�nedin this code and are definedin thelntenzaiiot�nl Bui�eltng <br />Code, Interncttionc�l Fire Code, Iraternational Zoning Code,l+z- <br />ternc�aiorual Plumbing Code, Fnrernat%nr�al Mechanical Code, <br />� I��e;;�zta;z�: �' �' •'� ��,{' �w+=�s;N� Code ar the 1CC Electi^ical <br />Code, such terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them as in <br />those codes. <br />�U �i •� Z�fflir, �„i� deiu�t�- 14' f t�:� r::n�k ��r� ��i:l:lt!rrt•.i ���I:,��� h <br />IkiC C7�%.I:ui'.a aw.:v�nfuL Ir5• IkiiS �l'��I�}R. tiu�a t_�rru4 �I:�.I. `��i5�' <br />ordinarily accepted meanings such as the context implies. <br />201.5 Parts. Whenever the wor� "dwelling unit�," "dwelling," <br />"premises," "building," "rooming house:' "rooming unit" <br />I"housekeeping unit" or "story" 'i�' stated in this code, they <br />shall be construed as though they were followed by the words <br />"or any part thereo£" <br />SECTION 202 <br />GENERAL DEFINITIONS <br />APPROVED. Approved by the code �ffieial. <br />BASEMENT, That portion of a building which is p�rtly or <br />completely below grade. <br />BATI3ROOM. A room containing plumbing fixtures includ- <br />ing a bathtub or shower. <br />BEDROOM. Any room or space used or intended to be used <br />for sleeping puiposes. <br />CODE OF+F+ICIAL. The official who is charged with the ad- <br />rt7.inistration and erlforce[nent of this code, or any duly autho- <br />rized representative. <br />CONDEMN. To adjudge unfit for occupancy. <br />DWELLING UNIT. A single unit providing complete, inde- <br />pendent livingfacilitiesfor oneormore persons, including �ei'- <br />manent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and <br />sanitation. <br />EASEMENT. That portion of land or p�opezty reserved for <br />presentor future use by a person or agency other than the legal <br />fee owner{s} of the property. '�e a�.semeti t sha�l be permitted to <br />be for use under, on or above a said lot or lots. <br />2003 INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAIN'L'ENANCE C Q D E� <br />EXTERIOR PROPERTY. `171e open space on the premises <br />and an adjoining propeity iinder the control of owners or opera- <br />tors of such pren�ise�5. <br />EXTERMINATION. The control and elitftinalion of insects, <br />rats or other pests by elii�i�zating their harborage places; by re- <br />moving or making inaccessible materials that serve as their <br />food; by poison spraying, fumigating. trapping o� by at]y other <br />approved pest elimination methods. <br />GARBAGE. The animal or vegetable waste •-•, �i I:'u,; front the <br />handling, preparation, cooking and coxis�irnp[io�z of food. <br />GUARD. A building component or a system of building com- <br />ponenls located at or near the open sides of elevated walking <br />surfaces that minimizes the possibility of a faillrUi!1 the walk- <br />ing surface to a lower level. <br />HABITABLE SPACE. Space in a structure for living, sleep- <br />ing, eating or cooking. Bathrooms, toilet rooms, closets, halls, <br />storage or utility spaces, and similar areas are not considered <br />habitable spaces. <br />HOUSEKEEPING UNIT. A room or group of rooms furming <br />a single habitable space �qE��pp�� and intended to be '�'er� +�?r. <br />living, sleeping, cooking �r;it eating which does not contain, <br />within such a unit, a toilet, lavatory and bathtub or shower. <br />IMMINENT DANGER. A condition whichcould cause seri <br />pt�s or life-threatening injury or death at any time. <br />INF+ESTATION. The presence, within or contiguous to, a <br />structure or premises of insects, rats, vermin or other pests. <br />INOPERABLE MOTOR VEI3ICLE. A vehicle which can- <br />not be driven ttpon the public streets far ledso� including but <br />notlimited to being unlicensed, wrecked, abandoned, in a state <br />of disrepair, or incap�ble oYbei�g moved �mder its own power. <br />LABELED. Devices, equipment, app7iances, or materials to <br />which has been �� Y; � a label, seal, symbol or other identify- <br />ing mark of a nationally recognized testing laboratory, inspec- <br />tion agency or other or�anizaCion concerned with product <br />evaluation that maintains periodie inspection of thE productior� <br />of the above-labeled items and by whose Iab�k the manufac- <br />turer aE[est� to compliance with applicable nationally recog- <br />nized standards. <br />LET FOROCCUPANCY O�t LE'T'.'I'a pe�tnit, provide or o�- <br />fer possession or occupnncy of a dwelling, dwelling unit, <br />rooming i�nit, building, premise or structure by aperson who is <br />o�' is not the legal owner of record thereof, pursuant to a written <br />or unwritten lease, agreement or license, or pursuant to a re- <br />corded or unrecorded agreement of contract f4r tlle sale of land. <br />OCCUPANCY. The purpose for which a building or portion <br />thereof is �itilized or occupied. <br />OCCUPANT. Any individual living or sleeping in a building, <br />or having possession of a space «rithin a building. <br />. I <br />9� <br />,. — <br />`� — <br />.� <br />i <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� – <br />I <br />i _ <br />� _ <br />I – <br />i <br />I <br />i-- <br />{ <br />; <br />; <br />F— <br />i� <br />