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DEFINITIONS <br />OPEl��A13LE AREA. That part of a window, skylight or door <br />which is a�ailable for unobstructed venrilarion and which <br />opens directly to the outdoors. <br />OPERATOR. Any person who has charge, care or control of a <br />structure or premises which is let or ofiered for occupancy. <br />OWNER. Any person, agent, operator, firm or corporarion <br />ha�ing a legal or equitable interest in the property; or recorded <br />in the official records of the state, counry or municipaliry as <br />holding ritle to the property: or otherwise ha�ing control of the <br />= r�•�,; ��ti•_ including the guardian of the estate of any such per- <br />son, and the executor or admi �ist�-ator of the estate of sucl� per- <br />son if ordered to take possession of real presperty by a court. <br />PERSON. An individual, corporation, partnership or any other <br />group acring as a unit. <br />'PREMISES. A lot, plot or parcel of land, easement or public <br />rixv, ret Itu:iei� any structures thereon. <br />PUBLIC WAY. Any street, alley or similar parcel of land es- <br />senrially unobstructed from the ground to the sky, which is <br />deeded, dedicated or otherwise pennanenlly appropriated lo <br />_ the gttbLr� for public �se• <br />ROOMING HOUSE. A building arranged or occupied for <br />lodging, with or without m eais, for compcnsation and nqk Ucct�- <br />pied as a one- or two-family dwelling. <br />ROOMING UNIT. Any raom or group of rooms forming a <br />siagle habitable unit occupied or intended to be occupied for <br />sleeping or living, but not for cooit�ng purposes. <br />RUBBISH. Combustible axldnoncombustiblewasten-�ateria�s„ <br />except garbage; the term shall include the residue from the <br />burning of wood, coal, coke and other combusrible materials, <br />paper, rags, cartons, boxes, wood, excelsior, rubber, leather, <br />tree branches, yard trimmings, rin cans, metals, mineral matter, <br />glass, cc�ckery and dust and other si�,�1a� �atersals. <br />STRICT LIABILITY OFFENSE. .r�,r� offense in which the <br />prosecurion in a legal proceeding is notrequired to provecrimi- <br />nal intent as a part of its case. It is enough to prove that the de- <br />fendant either did an act which was prohibited, or failed to do <br />an act which the de�e�,d'dz�i was legally required to do. <br />STRUCTURE. That which is built orconstructed ora portion <br />thereof. <br />TENANT. A person, corporation, partnership or group, <br />whether or not the legal owner of record. occupying abuilding <br />or portion thereof as a unit. <br />TOILET ROOM. A room cor€laining a watet' closet or �z�znstl <br />b[�t not a bathtub or shower. <br />VENTILATION. The natural or mechanical process of sup- <br />plying conditioned or unconditioned air to, or removing such <br />air from, any space. <br />WQi2KN�t��.IKE. Executed in a stcilled manner, e,g.„ gener- <br />'" ally plumb, lEVe 1, square, in line, undamaged and without mar- <br />' ring adjacent work. <br />YARD. An open space on the same lot with a structure, <br />; �.• B POU3 INiERFE�TI�NALPR�PER4Y M�ilNr�'3ANGE GUL`�Rr <br />•ry;. <br />�•� �� <br />� J�... . . <br />